Are You Risking The Relationship for the Sale -- And Then Losing the Sale Anyway?

Written by Ari Galper

Continued from page 1

When I asked them for feedback, I got a real wake-up call.

They said that at first they felt as if I really understood their processes and problems. Our prices were a little higher than our competition, but what stood out was my approach to understanding them and not pushingrepparttar sale.

They felt as if I really had their best interests in mind, so they heard me out. But when I started to push forrepparttar 103158 close, they saw that I was just like everyone else who sells, so they had to make their decision based on price, instead of onrepparttar 103159 value of our relationship.

The relationship, and consequentlyrepparttar 103160 sale -- which I invested many hours developing-- diedrepparttar 103161 moment I put onrepparttar 103162 pressure. By using traditional sales techniques, I wound up sacrificingrepparttar 103163 relationship andrepparttar 103164 sale.

This experience was what I needed to unlock my brain and realizerepparttar 103165 impact of traditional selling techniques on prospects (or should I say, "people").

I finally feel as if I've foundrepparttar 103166 missing ingredients that make selling a natural, productive experience that will actually bring me sales instead of losing them.

Warmest Regards,

Ryan ===================================================

Ryan's story points to a very important lesson: if you don't have an approach that is a perfect balance of nonaggression and effective penetration of your prospect's core needs, you'll end up asking yourself time after time, "Why am I losing sales, and why has selling become so painful?"

You can riskrepparttar 103167 relationship and loserepparttar 103168 sale, but with a different sales mindset, you don't risk anything at all -- because you can preserverepparttar 103169 relationship, and makerepparttar 103170 sale.

Ari Galper is the founder of Unlock The Game™, the only selling program that completely eliminates pressure from the selling process. His Unlock The Game™ Sales Program has helped thousands of entrepenuers and sales professionals worldwide. Visit to take a Free Test Drive!

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