Are You Ready To Perform?

Written by The Musicians' Coach Kavit Haria

Continued from page 1

Also, when you’re rehearsing with your band – one ofrepparttar most biggest things that most musicians miss out is to work onrepparttar 128690 elements of performance beyond playing their individual instruments together. Ensure you work on movements, gestures, interactions with other band members, talk between songs, takingrepparttar 128691 mic offrepparttar 128692 stand, running out intorepparttar 128693 audience. Such things may seem really simple but there not ordinary behaviour so make sure you get some vital practice and preparation in. Future newsletters may include resources to developing these skills effectively.

It’s also great to assess how well prepared you are mentally forrepparttar 128694 event. I use a set of questions that I came up with to assess my own readiness to perform, and I’d like to share them with you.

It will open as a Microsoft Word document. If you would like some musicians development coaching via email, send through your completed attachment to and I’ll be happy to work with you to makingrepparttar 128695 most out of your performance.

Are You Ready To Perform?

Kavit Haria is the musicians coach and works with musicians worldwide who want to be more confident, master concentration, tame performance anxiety, build better audience rapport and effective communication skills so that you can get regular performances. He runs his own practice in London, UK and runs a fortnightly newsletter. You can also get his free workshop here:

Focus - the power of all powers!

Written by The Musicians' Coach Kavit Haria

Continued from page 1

In this article, let’s look at how you can bring your awareness directly onrepparttar sight…

If you are not familiar withrepparttar 128688 notes onrepparttar 128689 score, then simply watch them. When I learn new things onrepparttar 128690 Tabla, I find it easier to look at each note and speak it out whilst I play. This keeps my focus as well as helps me remember it off by heart! If you are familiar with your notes, then simply “paint it out.” When you are playingrepparttar 128691 particular notes, either leave your eyes open or close them and picturerepparttar 128692 notes onrepparttar 128693 paper as you are playing. Alternatively, you can picture yourself painting it out whilst you are playing. If you don’t want to picturerepparttar 128694 notes, perhaps try looking at yourself playingrepparttar 128695 instrument (in your mind) whilst you are actually playing it.

Go throughrepparttar 128696 following steps, keep on practicing and seerepparttar 128697 heightened difference in your playing...

(1) Play a piece of music

(2) Playrepparttar 128698 piece of music again, this time focusing on a particular sight

(3) This time play it again, focusing and visualising another musician playing it whilerepparttar 128699 music you are making evokes images in your mind.

(4) Note down what you felt, saw, and heard and any difference in your music.

I suggest you create a plan to try this strategy everyday and for slightly longer periods of time. Remember,repparttar 128700 more you practice this,repparttar 128701 more it will get embedded within you and your concentration inrepparttar 128702 music will increase. That means, your Self 1 begins to disappear! Other techniques for focusing and using sound and feelings are explored further inrepparttar 128703 “Express Yourself” for Musicians workbook available at

Kavit Haria is the musicians coach and works with musicians worldwide who want to be more confident, master concentration, tame performance anxiety, build better audience rapport and effective communication skills so that you can get regular performances. He runs his own practice in London, UK and runs a fortnightly newsletter. You can also get his free workshop here:

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