Are You Protecting Your Child’s Hearing Properly?

Written by Susan Dunn, Personal and Professional Development Coach

Continued from page 1

Here is a list of sounds andrepparttar decibels to give you an idea: ·0 The softest sound a person can hear with normal hearing aka “hearing threshold” ·10 normal breathing ·20 whispering at 5 feet, broadcasting studio, rustling leaves ·30 soft whisper, library ·50 rainfall, light traffic, average home ·60 normal conversation, air conditioning unit ·80 alarm clock ·85 noisy restaurant ·90 city traffic ·110-120 rock concert, speedboat, headphones on maximum ·110 shouting in ear, baby crying, many power tools ·120 thunder, jet takeoff at 200’ ·130-140 firecracker, gunshot, powerful car speakers ·180 rocket launching According torepparttar 111245 Noise Center, musical toys measure over 110 decibels, comparable to many power tools.


With your teenagers, pay special attention. So many ofrepparttar 111246 things they love are not advisable:

Clubs and discos, 91 - 96 dBA + Dance floor, 85 - 100 dBA Atrepparttar 111247 bar, 90 dBA or more Personal stereo systems. 60 - 114 dBA Rock concerts, 100 dBA or more average Car stereos, up to 154 dBA inrepparttar 111248 car!! Home stereo, 80 - 115 dBA

If you take your kids hunting or torepparttar 111249 shooting range, takerepparttar 111250 hearing protectors along. Firearms are all high and a single exposure can cause permanent hearing loss. Examples, 12-guage shotgun, 150-165 dB, shotgun, 163-172 dB, rifle, 143-170 dB. Most firearms start at 100 dB and can go as high as 190 Db.

You may also assign your older child or teenage chores involving power tools which require supervision for safety, including hearing safety.

Also note than a firecracker can cause immediate damage.


Two other things children and teens like should be monitored. Noise levels at video arcades can exceed 100 decibels (similar to factory machinery), and computer games and stereo systems can go as high as 135 dB (the level of a jackhammer), with car stereos reaching up to 154 dB, and an action movie is generally beyond 90 dB.

No one knows exactly what level damages a child’s ears, butrepparttar 111251 Noise Center’s Rule of Thumb is: IF YOU HAVE TO SHOUT TO BE HEARD THREE FEET AWAY, THE NOISE IS TOO LOUD AND IS DAMAGING TO YOUR HEARING. Don’t let your child become a statistic. According to Dangerous Decibels, approximately 30 million Americans have hearing loss, and 50 million have tinnitus, an early indicator. According to a study done by Montgomery and Fujukawa in 1992, “Overrepparttar 111252 last 10 years,repparttar 111253 percentage of 2nd graders with hearing loss has increased 2.8 times; hearing loss in 8th graders has increased over 4 times.”

Check with your child’s pediatrician for specific information. This is not medical advice.

*According torepparttar 111254 3rd National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey [Niskar, 2000]. Reported on DangerousDecibels.


1.Educate yourself about noise levels 2.Provide your child with peace and quiet 3.Make it clear you value peace and quiet 4.Counteract that “loud is cool” 5.Ask your local theater to lower decibel levels 6.Provide ear protection 7.Model good hearing protection 8.Include instructionrepparttar 111255 same way you do when you tell them brushing their teeth twice a day prevents tooth decay 9.Turn downrepparttar 111256 volume of everything at home and tell your child why you’re doing it

©Susan Dunn, MA, The EQ Coach, . I offer coaching, distance learning courses, and ebooks around emotional intelligence. Free ezine, Daily tips, send blank email to . I train and certify EQ coaches. Get in this field, dubbed “white hot” by the press, now, before it’s crowded, and offer your clients something of real value.

Six things You Can Do to Protect Your Child’s Hearing

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Personal & Professional Development Coach

Continued from page 1

3. Check out your child’s toys.

A noisy squeeze toy is rated 135 decibels (dB) byrepparttar League forrepparttar 111244 Hard of Hearing. If a sound reaches 85 dB or stronger, it can cause permanent damage to your hearing.

A recent study byrepparttar 111245 Henry Ford Health System found that many current toys, including tape recorders, bike horns, cap guns, and toy telephones, are not safe for your child’s hearing. Ofrepparttar 111246 25 they tested, more than half made sounds higher than 115 dBs.

4. Ask your local theater to lower decibel levels and work with your child's school.

Action movies generally go beyond 90 dB, video arcades can exceed 100 decibels (similar to factory machinery), computer games and stereo systems can go as high as 135 dB (the level of a jackhammer), and car stereos reaching up to 154 dB.

5. Provide ear protection when necessary and model by using it yourself.

Such as if you take your child hunting or a to a shooting range or use firecrackers or power tools.

6. Include instructionrepparttar 111247 same way you do when you tell your child brushing their teeth twice a day prevents tooth decay.

©Susan Dunn, MA, The EQ Coach, . I offer coaching, distance learning courses, and ebooks around emotional intelligence. Free ezine, Daily tips, send blank email to . I train and certify EQ coaches. Get in this field, dubbed “white hot” by the press, now, before it’s crowded, and offer your clients something of real value. Start tomorrow, no residence requirement, global student body.

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