Are You Overlooking Your Best Referral Source

Written by Head2Head

Continued from page 1

Look at your incentive structure. How can you get people to refer star performers from their previous workplace, in addition to friends? Is it clear to employees when bonuses are awarded and how much can be earned? Remember that a bonus paid for an employee referral gives you double bang for your buck. Atrepparttar same time that you're getting a pre-qualified candidate, you're also providing an incentive forrepparttar 104740 current employee to stick around.

What does you employee referral program do for you? Take our poll, and see how others have voted at

This month's recruiting headlines:

Companies Shift from Cost-Cutting to Attraction & Retention
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Look North, Workers Advised: IT Jobs Are Available in Canada
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Head2Head is a brave new concept in the world of recruiting. We don't fill positions, but we find the people who do. Signup for the Two-Minute Mentor at

Unleash the Power of Your Entrepreneurial Network

Written by Claudette Rowley

Continued from page 1

- What Goes Around Comes Around. Successful networking means giving and receiving. The most successful networkers know how to ask for what they need, whether it's inrepparttar form of a business referral, financial advice or an introduction to a potential client. Get comfortable receiving assistance. Think of it this way: When you receive, you extend to othersrepparttar 104739 opportunity to give.

- Givers Gain. How can you build your network further by assisting a colleague or an aspiring entrepreneur? Who can you mentor or advise? Who can you refer business to? Throughrepparttar 104740 act of giving, you cultivate partners to support your vision, and further activaterepparttar 104741 "what goes around, comes around" principle.

As an entrepreneur, you arerepparttar 104742 captain of your ship. But as any successful leader knows, it takes all hands on deck to secure a successful voyage. You can do it alone, but not as well and not as easily. Ease and excellence go hand in hand. Activate and build your network to harness your full entrepreneurial potential.

------------------------------------------------------------------ Claudette Rowley, coach and author, helps professionals identify and pursue their true purpose and calling in life. Contact her today for a complimentary consultation at 781-676-5633 or Sign up for her free newsletter "Insights forrepparttar 104743 Savvy" at

Claudette Rowley, coach and author, helps professionals identify and pursue their true purpose and calling in life. Contact her today for a complimentary consultation at 781-676-5633 or Sign up for her free newsletter "Insights for the Savvy" at

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