Are You Losing Sales Because Of Your Email Link?

Written by Steve Shaw

Continued from page 1

After looking around several other web sites marketing products and services, it's likely that they could benefit fromrepparttar same easy-to-implement strategy.

Here is what I used to have in place.

On my web site, I include an email address where prospects and customers can reach me. It's a clickable email address, i.e. whenrepparttar 108767 email address link is clicked, it opens an empty email ready to send to me - to achieve this,repparttar 108768 anchor tag previously containedrepparttar 108769 following HTML:

href="" rel="nofollow"

The only problem was that prospects, and perhaps customers, would click this link, enter their message, and sendrepparttar 108770 email without ever filling inrepparttar 108771 subject line.

I have since implemented a very simple change, that makes it a lot easier for them, and helps to ensure that I respond to their message when it arrives in my inbox. All I did was adjustrepparttar 108772 HTML code forrepparttar 108773 email link so that an specific subject line is automatically inserted intorepparttar 108774 email. I can now easily recognizerepparttar 108775 email when it arrives, and ensure it is filtered correctly.

Here is an example ofrepparttar 108776 replacement code that I now use in my email anchor tags:

href="" rel="nofollow"

This simple adjustment prefillsrepparttar 108777 subject line and ensures there will be little chance I will miss their email when it arrives. Consequently my prospects and customers are happier, and my business gains in strength.

By including a suitable subject inrepparttar 108778 mailto: links on your web site, you can achieverepparttar 108779 same positive effect for your own business.

Steve Shaw develops software and systems for effective e-marketing. His PopUpMaster Pro software at creates popups that beat the popup blockers and which are compatible with Google Adwords.

About To Start An Online Business? Read This First.

Written by Steve Shaw

Continued from page 1

And simply by starting, you have succeeded already, succeeded in getting way beyondrepparttar point that most people reach, which is usually just saying, 'One day I will'. Make today that 'one day' - why wait until tomorrow, when tomorrow never comes?

================================================== Focus, focus, focus. ==================================================

It is important to maintain your focus on what you actually want to achieve. Are you aiming for an additional income to supplement an existing wage; or are you looking to make an Internet business a full-time occupation?

Whatever your focus is, it is important that you continually work towards it until you achieve it, whatever knockbacks or challenges you receive alongrepparttar 108766 way.

================================================== Be careful what you read - beware of information overload. ==================================================

There is so much information out there about how to do business online, much of it contradictory, that it is often difficult to separate fact from fiction.

Rather than read everything and anything you can get your hands on, it is best to find just a few people who you trust, who have a good reputation, and who are actually qualified to giverepparttar 108767 advice they give, and listen to them.

A little high-quality information can be worth a great deal.

It is also useful to watch what they actually do, and compare that to what they say - sometimesrepparttar 108768 two are very different, and following what they do is far more useful.

================================================== Don't aim for perfection before you 'launch'. ==================================================

No web site is ever perfect, and if you try to reach a high level of perfection before you launch or make your site live, you will lose more than you can achieve. Plus your version of 'perfection' may differ a great deal to what actually works with your market.

Once your site is functional and of a reasonable quality, start promoting it immediately. Start to build up your mailing list by requestingrepparttar 108769 email addresses of your visitors. Test what works with your visitors and what does not, and alter your site accordingly.

================================================== Listen to your visitors and customers. ==================================================

When you have started and got a web site up and running, it is important to listen to your visitors and customers, and to treat them with great respect. Not only will you learn a great deal from them about whatrepparttar 108770 market is actually looking for, you can also earn lifelong customers and friends.

Positive comments from customers can be used with their permission as testimonials on your web site, which will strengthen your online credibility and profit potential.

Be prepared to continually adjust your web site to meetrepparttar 108771 market demands. A web site is never 'finished', a successful web site must evolve over time on a continual path of improvement.

================================================== But most importantly... ==================================================

Decide to succeed - right now.

Steve Shaw of develops software and systems for effective e-marketing. His PopUpMaster Pro software at creates popups that beat the popup blockers and which you can use with Google Adwords.

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