Are You Listening?

Written by Helaine Iris

Continued from page 1

Do you want to wait until you’re dangerously close to an edge before you listen? Here are some suggestions to help you exercise listening to your inner wisdom.

1. Know yourself. What do you really want and need? Are you willing to stand up for your own life?

2. Practice. Listening is like a muscle that needs strengthening. You can listen with more than just your ears; you can listen with your heart as well. Slow down, close you eyes for a minute. What do you hear or feel?

3. Learn to trust your own inner voice. When you start trusting yourself you will experience more flow and fulfillment.

4. Watch forrepparttar confirmations life sends you. This will help to reinforcerepparttar 123536 value of listening and encourage you to keep sharpeningrepparttar 123537 skill. It’s also delightful to witnessrepparttar 123538 amazing learning possible when you are listening.

When I don’t listen it’s usually because there’s something I don’t want to hear. That day onrepparttar 123539 mountain I needed to ask myself a hard question, “why was I willing to risk my health or life to prove to my husband that I could dorepparttar 123540 things he liked to do?” It was because I didn’t want to feel left out. Yet, by NOT listening, I left myself out.

When I listen my life flows more easily. I am guided towardrepparttar 123541 things that work for me as well as for others. I’m more honest and I’m more me.

Now, when my husband asks me to hike with him, I am delighted to go or not, walk as far as I want and know we’re both having a better time because we are both following our heart.

I’m listening now.

It’s YOUR life…imaginerepparttar 123542 possibilities!

Helaine Iris is a certified Life Coach, writer and teacher. She works with individuals, entrepreneurs, and professionals, who want to integrate their life purpose with their personal and professional life to create a life that’s joyful, fulfilling and successful. Are you ready to take a step that could change your life? For a complimentary session visit her website or call her 603-357-8546 or email her

Don't Accept Things the Way They Are- Instead Take Action

Written by Caterina Rando

Continued from page 1

Being a seasoned networker I created this great "Getting to Know You Game" to facilitate mingling.

Everyone had a great time and I had more dates inrepparttar months that followed than I had, had in my whole proceeding life. I dated Joe,repparttar 123535 tri-athlete psychiatrist withrepparttar 123536 ponytail, Marcusrepparttar 123537 tall and lean international photographer with thick rimmed glassed and huge motorcycle, Brianrepparttar 123538 pinup paramedic with a passion for opera and Michaelrepparttar 123539 very cultured fireman with whom I shared an interest in exploring ethnic restaurants and my still very special friend Paulrepparttar 123540 Magnificent a sultry magician who eats fire, lays on nail beds, walks on glass and can dance your shoes right off.

At one ofrepparttar 123541 cocktail parties, my cousin Kristi met a man named Robert. She had a "false truth" to disprove. She had accepted that asking men out never produced any long term benefit. Once I tracked down his number and persuaded, her to call him, she asked him out. They are now married with two children. Kristi has learnedrepparttar 123542 value of not accepting thingsrepparttar 123543 way they are and instead taking action to make themrepparttar 123544 way you want them to be.

Besidesrepparttar 123545 romance,repparttar 123546 friendships,repparttar 123547 fun. So much fun. The benefit was not buying into a "false truth" that did not support me and what I wanted for myself in my life. Instead of moping and hoping I took action and changed my whole reality. Where are you moping and hoping? Right now ask yourself- have you been moping lately- if so what about? Moping is like struggle, struggle reduces your energy for success. Taking action is far better than moping. If you've been moping about anything decide to stop it, decide to identify and take action to disprove any "false truths" that are interfering with your success.

You are responsible for deciding what is true for you. Take action, to createrepparttar 123548 truths that will best serve you and watch your self respect and confidence grow. Take action prove to yourselfrepparttar 123549 truths that support you in achievingrepparttar 123550 success you strive for.

Caterina Rando, MA, MCC, helps people achieve success with ease. She is a success speaker, master certified coach and author of the award winning national best-seller "Learn to Power Think." To find out about her book, free e-zine, free articles and other resources, visit Caterina can also be reached by email at

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