Are You Having School Daze?

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, EQ Coach

Continued from page 1


School is school, just like work is work, but when there’s been a hiatus, and when certain parts of it are new, there is always emotional processing going on.

Just as you ask your child for facts -- about their teacher, classmates, and subject -- ask them about their feelings. Then listen. Provide support and perspective as needed. A comment such as, “I hate school,” should be investigated. It may turn out, as happened to me once with a little one, thatrepparttar lunch served that day had been “yuchy,” though everything else, once pursued, appeared to have been keen.

If you precede this with “How are you feeling about your new teacher?” you will get a chance to experiencerepparttar 129953 level of your child’s ability to express their emotions, and can help him or her sort them through, which is invaluable. Make emotional-expression vocabulary a part of your child’s learning experience. Children as young as 3 can learn to respond (when having a tantrum):

“Are you angry?” ”Yes.” “Can you tell me why?” I’m frustrated.”


As you get intorepparttar 129954 first weeks, check and see how your child is doing in their social adjustment. Friends and being able to get along make such a difference in their self-esteem, happiness, and ability to function well at school. A’s are important, but children with higher emotional intelligence and better interpersonal relationships tend to do better academically.

With patience on your part, and instruction, andrepparttar 129955 passage of time, much ofrepparttar 129956 turmoil will subside. Before you know it, you’ll all be settled intorepparttar 129957 new routine!

Susan Dunn, . I offer coaching, courses and ebooks for your personal and professional development, EQ, retirement, career, relationships. I train and certify EQ coaches. for info on this fast, comprehensive, affordable, no-residency program

"Why Do Some Affirmations *Work* - and Others Don't?"

Written by jeff staniforth

Continued from page 1

*Persistence Practicing affirmations with persistence achieves results much sooner than practicing them periodically.Successive sessions will have a compounding effect.

*Belief You don't necessarily have to believe your affirmation initially, in order for it to work. Belief will grow with your forthcoming successes. What you do need isrepparttar ability to *feel* what it would be like whenrepparttar 129952 desire you're affirming is fulfilled, or your need met. Every time that you have a need -and that need is met -a certain "feeling" is produced in you. Simply evoke that same feeling when you state your affirmation. That is, you need to feel with every fiber of your being that what you desire has already happened. Without this feeling, your affirmation is powerless.

*Impress Yourself Personalize your affirmations. They must *resonate* with you feel right for you. The stronger your connection withrepparttar 129953 affirmation,repparttar 129954 deeperrepparttar 129955 impression it makes on your mind andrepparttar 129956 sooner you will experience positive results.

So there you have it -repparttar 129957 simple formula for creating affirmations that work. Based onrepparttar 129958 above, you can easily create your own affirmations to manifest any desire or need you have in life. TIP: Althoughrepparttar 129959 practice of affirmations is easy, some people find it challenging to repeatrepparttar 129960 affirmations continuously while maintainingrepparttar 129961 highly charged emotional state necessary in making affirmations work.GOOD NEWS!You can now use your computer to makerepparttar 129962 affirmation process effortless-and you can automate those challenging aspects (such as maintaining highly charged emotions),thereby manifesting your desires more quickly! Go to to find out how. c) Jeff Staniforth - All Rights reserved.

jeff staniforth is the owner and editor of affirmations for the mind newsletter

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