Are You Finding What You REALLY Need?

Written by Janet L. Hall

Continued from page 1

* There are hundreds of search engines, but only 20-30 main ones, and just four-five of them account for 60-75% ofrepparttar total search engine traffic. For example, Altavista gets about 17% ofrepparttar 117700 total engine market and it equals roughly 40 million searches a day; as opposed to Lycos or HotBot which each get 2-3% ofrepparttar 117701 market. It would shock you to know Yahoo only gets about 24%! *

My two favorite search engines to locate what I'm looking for is and allows you to search through 14 search engines atrepparttar 117702 same time! Type in your word(s), click on FETCH, and WaLA! You've just worked a little smarter, not harder. At you can choose to search through images, audio, auctions, news, FTP, Discussion, and Small Biz.

At dogpile you can use advanced searching techniques, by using additional syntax, that will help * you gain added control over your search and weed out any unwanted results. *

Additional Syntax for Searching Techniques:

>> Type AND between words orrepparttar 117703 symbol + before a word thus allowing a specific combination of words to be present in all search results. Example: Home AND Clutter or Home + Clutter will result in different search results.

>> Type NOT between words orrepparttar 117704 symbol - before a word Example: Dogs NOT Cats or Dogs - Cats will result in sites when only dogs appear but not cats.

>> Type OR to include both words. Example: Office OR Clutter

Not all search engines support these syntaxes in dogpile; therefore, dogpile will only searchrepparttar 117705 engines that supportrepparttar 117706 syntax you use, allowing a more tailored result. searches for documents onrepparttar 117707 Internet that contain your search word(s). They offer a pull down menu torepparttar 117708 left ofrepparttar 117709 search window where you can choose from different syntaxes. They also offer an advanced search where you can perform word filters, word(s) that should be included or excluded from your search.

Here's to finding what you are looking for!

Smiles, not Piles, Janet L. Hall isrepparttar 117710 owner of OverHall Consulting, an organizing firm for office, home, computer clutter, and your life. Visit her website at Phone consultations and coaching are available.

Copyright (c) 2001 by OverHall Consulting P.O. Box 263, Port Republic, MD 20676 All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to reproduce, copy, or distribute this article so long as article is kept intact, this copyright notice, and full information aboutrepparttar 117711 author is attached.

Janet L. Hall is a Professional Organizer, Speaker, and Author. She is the owner of OverHall Consulting, and Organizing By Phone. Subscribe to her FREE organizing newsletter at or visit her web site at

The Truth about Building a Business on the 'Net

Written by Angela Wu

Continued from page 1

That being said, there are lots of advantages for doing business onrepparttar Internet! It truly offers one ofrepparttar 117699 best opportunities forrepparttar 117700 'average' person to test their entrepreneurial spirit. Some ofrepparttar 117701 advantages of being an online business owner are:

+ Affordable startup costs. You can get started with just a few hundred bucks.

+ Flexible. Because your work is done on your computer and from home, you get to choose when you work.

+ Possibility of more free time -- eventually. Some online businesses can be automated to a certain extent. Automation will help to reduce your workload and eventually give you more free time. + Testing and research are relatively cheap. Need to find out what your potential audience thinks of a product idea? Chances are, there's a message board (or a hundred) where your potential audience gathers. Need to research your competition? Userepparttar 117702 search engines. There's so much you can do online for little or no money.

+ Exciting! If you thrive on change,repparttar 117703 Internet is one ofrepparttar 117704 best places to get it! You can experiment and test to your heart's content for minimal cost.

+ Ever-growing. Every day more people get 'connected' torepparttar 117705 'net. That means that your potential audience is always growing.

+ Multiple streams of income. You haverepparttar 117706 ability to sell lots of different products online -- including other company's products, in return for a commission -- which means that you can potentially earn several 'pay cheques'! A bunch of 'smaller' cheques may not seem like much on their own, but add them all up and they can become a solid stream of income.

+ Opportunity is everywhere! The Internet reaches a worldwide audience with a wide variety of interests. There are countless niches on which you can focus your energies!

Some people turn a profit within just a few months; others take years. There are lots of 'little guys' -- small, home based businesses -- who are happily and successfully earning a living fromrepparttar 117707 Internet. Will you berepparttar 117708 next?


Angela is the editor of Online Business Basics, a practical guide that shows eBusiness beginners how to build an online business on a shoestring budget. Visit her online at or request a series of 10 free reports to get you started: .

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