Continued from page 1
The RIGHT way to use coupons is...
BEFORE going to
store, put
money you will save with your coupons into a jar (if you have just one coupon for 30 cents then put 30 cents in your jar; if you have several coupons adding up to $3.45 then put $3.45 in your jar).
NOW you can go to
store and use your coupons, and you will truly have SAVED
money. The money you save can then be used to help cover your monthly business costs.
5. Pay attention to where your money goes!
- How many of us run off to work every day without time enough to pack a lunch, so we end up spending money on eating lunch at a restaurant? I know I did...often. I was spending at least $25 per week (that's $100-$125 a month!) on eating lunches myself...on workdays.
Instead of trying to make time in
morning to pack a lunch, why not pack a lunch
night before? And, if you have a microwave available at work, you can even pack something to heat up so you don't feel tempted to "go out" for a hot lunch.
- How much money do you spend on sodas? As with everything else, it costs more to buy one soda than it does for a six-pack or a 2-liter bottle. Why not buy soda in large quantities, and bring several servings to work with you.
Or, to REALLY save money, instead of drinking soda, why not switch to iced tea or crystal light. You can make a large batch at home and then bring it to work in a jug.
- Are you a coffee drinker? Instead of paying for your coffee by
cup, why not invest in a large thermos and bring your coffee to work with you.
- Are you addicted to sweets like me? Instead of spending
money on candy bars and other snacks from machines or in convenience stores, why not bake a batch of cookies or brownies. You'll save money, and you'll have better-tasting snacks.
Or, if you prefer a candy bar, purchase them in large packs at
grocery store and bring them to work with you -- it'll still be cheaper than paying for each candy bar separately.
And, these are just a FEW of
ways you can save money... allowing you to easily find
money to invest in your business.
If you implement even a couple of
strategies in this article, you'll be able to save enough money so that
cost of starting your business doesn't put a financial strain on your monthly budget.

Holly specializes in teaching others how to build multiple streams of income on the internet using automation. Subscribe to Holly's popular ezine: Sign up for Holly's FREE wealth-building eCourse: