Are You Blushing?

Written by Gordon Bryan

Continued from page 1

2 things will happen.

Firstly you will notice a distinct reduction inrepparttar stress levels you feel, and secondly, you will begin to noticerepparttar 123467 unnecessary stress others heap on themselves allrepparttar 123468 time, which will in turn increase your ability to think positively.

Don’t concentrate on ‘might not’, concentrate on ‘might’. When you find your self criticising forrepparttar 123469 sake of it, stop yourself, and keep quiet.

Make time for yourself, every day, to do something enjoyable. Add ‘I am a strong and worthy person’ to your list of affirmations. Compare it to saying ‘I am a weak and worthless person’ – which one makes you feel better?

If you follow these steps, you can actively changerepparttar 123470 balance of chemicals released byrepparttar 123471 brain, instead of leaving it to chance.

You’ll feel more positive, more energised, and here’srepparttar 123472 kicker, you‘ll feel HAPPIER!!

Andrepparttar 123473 next time you blush, you’ll have a quiet chuckle to yourself, knowing you have harnessed some ofrepparttar 123474 potent power of thoughts and repparttar 123475 physical reactions to them

**************************************** Gordon Bryan's new book, 'Transform Your Life in 21 Days! has been described as 'a must read', 'awesome', and 'a true gem'. If you liked this article, see the book for yourself at: ****************************************

Embrace Change

Written by Mark Susnow

Continued from page 1

Just look at nature's cycles. Trees bud inrepparttar spring and by summer they are full of delicious fruit. Inrepparttar 123466 Autumn, leaves fall torepparttar 123467 ground and when winter arrives,repparttar 123468 trees are barren andrepparttar 123469 cycle begins anew. You know for certain there's an intelligence in nature's way of doing things.

What if we looked at life in this way? Since we know there are cycles in our lives, we can prepare forrepparttar 123470 inevitable next cycle. We know it will be colder inrepparttar 123471 winter and warmer inrepparttar 123472 summer, so we dress accordingly. We do not resistrepparttar 123473 cycles of nature, so let us not resistrepparttar 123474 cycles of our lives. Now, here'srepparttar 123475 good part. If we know there are changes coming we can prepare ourselves by becoming more flexible and adaptable. If we know there are changes coming we can enjoyrepparttar 123476 moments when things are going well and when they are not, we can look forward to a better future. By embracing change as a way of life, we can look forward to change as opportunity, as adventure, as possibility. It is essential that we haverepparttar 123477 tools to prepare us for this new way of thinking. Today there's an increasing awareness of teachings from many different walks of life that encourage us to be more open and flexible. As we look inward and take time for reflection through meditation and prayer we are more accepting of our differences and unique rhythms. And as we continue to expand we can embrace change as a way of life. Let me know what is changing in your life. I love receiving your many responses and feedback. Thank you and keep them coming. Feel free to pass this letter on torepparttar 123478 friends in your circle and let them know aboutrepparttar 123479 advantages of being onrepparttar 123480 journey.

Speak with you soon,


Mark Susnow, formerly a trial attorney for 30 years is a coach, speaker, and group facilitator. He's inspired hundreds of people to believe in themselves and to achieve their goals and dreams. Contact Mark to discover how you can benefit from coaching. Be sure to visit his website. 415.453.5016

Mark Susnow's unique background as a trial attorney and musician has given him some poignant insights into personal and professional success.He combines this with meditation to find balance and meaning in his life.

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