Are You Afraid to Sell?

Written by Elena Fawkner

Continued from page 1


The concept of "relationship marketing" does NOT mean getting up close and personal with your customers. You'll save yourself a lot of grief and angst if you just keep things businesslike and professional - friendly to be sure, but not *overly* personal. It's possible to be friendly and helpful in a professional, businesslike manner without stepping overrepparttar line intorepparttar 117543 personal. The people you're dealing with are not your friends, they're your customers. Of course, over time, you may become friends with certain people who started out as customers. But don't start fromrepparttar 117544 position that you have to be friends with your customers in order to engage in relationship marketing. You don't. Keep it businesslike and professional and you won't raise any unrealistic expectations.


One way of keeping yourself in check is by constantly testing your decisions againstrepparttar 117545 criteria "is this decision inrepparttar 117546 best interests of my business?". If so, do it, recognizing that something can be inrepparttar 117547 best interests of your business even if it doesn't involve cash flowing in your direction. If not, don't.

Occasionally, it will be inrepparttar 117548 best interests of your business to do something that may be perceived by your customer as a personal favor. An example might be giving a refund for a purchase under circumstances whererepparttar 117549 customer is not strictly entitled to one and where you have an ongoing relationship withrepparttar 117550 customer. You do so inrepparttar 117551 interests of customer service and this is certainly an example of something that is in your business's best interests.

Sometimes, however, customers can take advantage of such a policy. To forestall this type of problem, if you decide to do something that benefits your customer/reader/visitor over and above what they have an entitlement to, make it clear, in a subtle way, that you are doing so for business reasons. Be prepared to set limits though. Know how far you are prepared to go before it stops being a business decision and becomes a personal one and torepparttar 117552 detriment of your business interests.

Being uncomfortable saying "no" is not a good enough reason to sacrifice your business's best interests if that'srepparttar 117553 right decision in allrepparttar 117554 circumstances.


Don't be shy about promoting your products and services and letting your prospective customers know you would like for them to purchase from you. Be direct, open and honest about it. For example, if someone emails me and asks for my advice about how to get started in an online business of their own, I'll recommend products that I think will benefit them.

Usually, if I like a product, I'll be an affiliate and so every time someone purchases that product following my recommendation I earn a commission. Would I recommend any products that are directly relevant to my business that I don't have a financial interest in? No. Why? I have a profit motive. My time is money. The key is inrepparttar 117555 products. If I thought there were better products out there thanrepparttar 117556 ones I was promoting I'd recommend them too. But only after I signed up as an affiliate so I could earn a commission from my recommendation.

Onrepparttar 117557 other hand, occasionally I'm asked to recommend a webhost. I'm an inactive affiliate of one ofrepparttar 117558 major webhosting companies but I never recommend them because I think they're too expensive. In this case, I referrepparttar 117559 enquirer torepparttar 117560 webhost I use for my own site. I'm not an affiliate of theirs and I have no financial interest in makingrepparttar 117561 recommendation. I'm not particularly interested in webhosting as a product to promote so I haven't bothered (yet) to sign up for my webhost's affiliate program. It's just an honest recommendation just asrepparttar 117562 recommendations I make for products of which I am an affilliate are honest recommendations. The only difference is, I make money onrepparttar 117563 latter and why not?

The point is, so long as you're making an honest recommendation, there's no reason why you can't make a profit atrepparttar 117564 same time. It's a win-win situation. So stop being afraid to sell. It'srepparttar 117565 reason your business exists but it won't for long if you don't sell.

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Elena Fawkner is editor of A Home-Based Business Online ... practical business ideas, opportunities and solutions forrepparttar 117568 work-from-home entrepreneur.

Elena Fawkner is editor of A Home-Based Business Online ... practical business ideas, opportunities and solutions for the work-from-home entrepreneur.

35 Tips for Online Success

Written by Terri Seymour

Continued from page 1

19. Do not spam! If you are unsure if something is spam, find out before you proceed.

20. Purchase your own domain name.

21. List your ezine in several popular directories.

22. Be true to yourself and your customers. This will establish trust which is essential to your success.

23. Include some original material in your ezine. If you are not yet writing articles, write an editorial for each issue. Let your readers get to know you.

24. Do not insult other people. ALWAYS treat others with respect.

25. Subscribe to several popular ezines. Read and learn from them. The good ezines are loaded with information and resources.

26. Participate in joint ventures with ebook authors, ezine publishers, etc. This is a good way of making more money and providing resources for your subscribers. Always reviewrepparttar product before you promote it.

27. Never stop learning!! There is an endless amount of information to learn when running an online business. Do not ever think that you know all you need to know.

28. Be open to new ideas and be willing to take risks.

29. Learn from others who have been there already. Most ofrepparttar 117542 publishers and netpreneurs are willing and happy to help Newbies.

30. When publishing an ezine, stuff it with useful content and resources. Give your readers what they crave - information! Don't throw 30 ads together and call it an ezine!

31. Thoroughly check out all opportunities and offers before joining or buying. There are a lot of scammers out there.

32. When writing articles, write as if you are teaching. Don't turnrepparttar 117543 article into a sales letter for one of your products.

33. Back up all your information and work, so you do not lose it. this is very important!

34. Do not think you have to read, buy or use every product, ebook or program out there.

35. Choose a business that will bring out your passion and commitment. Running an online business can be a very rewarding and fulfilling experience.

I wish you allrepparttar 117544 success and satisfaction with your online venture. Do not letrepparttar 117545 frustration or setbacks get you down. Use them as a learning experience to make you stronger, better and more successful!

Terri Seymour owns and operates is a website, ezine and service which provides the resources, tools, guidance and more to help you start, publish and promote your own ezine. You can contact Terri at Subscribe at or visit for lots more info.

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