Are You Addicted To Your Activities?

Written by Margaret Paul, Ph.D.

Continued from page 1

Next time you want to participate in your favorite activity, you might want to notice your intent. Do you want to relax and watch TV or are you avoiding some difficult feeling or task? Do you find yourself scheduling more work than you can really handle to avoid dealing with aloneness, loneliness, or conflict with a mate, or are you really loving your work and feeling fulfilled by it? Are you exercising to support your health or to avoid feelings?

Once you become aware of using an activity to avoid, here’s what you can do about it:

1)Welcomerepparttar feeling you are trying so hard to avoid. Pay attention torepparttar 130667 feeling - fear, loneliness, aloneness, agitation, boredom, anxiety.

2) Make a decision to learn what YOU might be doing to cause this feeling rather than continuing to avoid it.

3) Explore what you might be doing to cause this feeling. How are you not taking care of yourself that is causing your painful feeling? Are you procrastinating, judging yourself, or not standing up for yourself in conflict? How are you avoiding responsibility for your own well-being? Are you allowing yourself to be a victim, waiting for someone else to make you feel better?

4) Once you understand what you are doing to cause your distress, then you need to ask "What would berepparttar 130668 loving action for myself?" You are asking this question of your highest self, or of your spiritual guidance if you are connected with a source of guidance. If you open to learning about what is loving, ideas will pop into your mind.

5) Now you need to takerepparttar 130669 loving action on your own behalf - complete a task, stand up for yourself and speak your truth with someone, and so on.

6) Re-evaluate how you are feeling. Are you feeling more peaceful and more powerful? You will feel more peaceful if you have takenrepparttar 130670 loving action. If you are not feeling better, don’t just turn back to your addictions. Look for another loving action until you find what really makes you feel safe on a deep level, not justrepparttar 130671 temporary pacification of an addiction.

You will find your addictions fading away as you learn to take loving care of yourself.

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is the best-selling author and co-author of eight books, including "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?", "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By My Kids?", "Healing Your Aloneness","Inner Bonding", and "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God?" Visit her web site for a FREE Inner Bonding course: or

Take Control of Your Health

Written by Maria K. Myrback CH

Continued from page 1
A large portion of our subconscious mind is used simply forrepparttar purposes of keeping us alive, generating new, healthy cells, creating more antibodies via our immune systems. Imagine how much more powerful those systems could be with guidance. Studies have shown that, by using powerful visualization techniques while inrepparttar 130665 theta brain wave state,repparttar 130666 survival rate for diseases nearly doubles. Physical healing is notrepparttar 130667 only goal of my treatment. You can also use this time to heal your spirit, relationships and heart. Times such as these can serve as a wake-up call. All those things that have been left unsaid can be spoken now. Allrepparttar 130668 times you thought “I should have…”; “I would have…”; “I could have…” can be resolved now. Perhaps you might come to look at this time of life as a gift. This is a gift that allows yourepparttar 130669 freedom to finally be yourself inrepparttar 130670 truest sense, freeing yourself from non-productive emotions such as guilt, self-doubt and fear. This is your time now. While there may be moments of uncertainty, there will always be reasons for hope. Now you have gotten a glimpse of what an effective member of your healthcare team you can be. Now you begin to understand that being pro-active instead of re-active isrepparttar 130671 solution. NOW is your time. Take charge of your treatment. Ask questions. If you don’t understandrepparttar 130672 answer, askrepparttar 130673 doctor to explain it to you in a way that is comfortable for you. Remember, you are in charge of your healthcare.

Maria K. Myrback is a Certified Hypnotherapist specializing in Complimentary Medical Hypnotism if you have any questions or would like to make an appointment please call 770-713-2804 or visit our website

Maria is a Certified Hypnotherapist and Energy Healer living and working in Metro Atlanta.

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