Are YOU Making Money on the NET?

Written by Leon van der Linde

Continued from page 1

It is true, YOU CAN make lots of money onrepparttar Internet. But there are also many pitfalls that must be avoided. The actual know-how of being successful comes with effort, research, and massive action. Doesn't sound like it isrepparttar 117181 preferred environment for your "live-on-the-couch entrepreneur-millionaire", does it?

Free yourself from your self-imposed limitations, fears and dogma.

There are a number of reasons why some people are successful in what they do, where others tend to fail. Instead of trying to putrepparttar 117182 blame on elsewhere, why not start looking at yourself? We all need to confront our own personal inhibitors. We acquired these overrepparttar 117183 years from childhood to adolescence, to mature grown-ups. Some of our past experiences have created many limitations we impose on ourselves overrepparttar 117184 years. We many times lose our dreams onrepparttar 117185 way when we came to facerepparttar 117186 realities ofrepparttar 117187 real world.

All successful people have some things in common. They KNOW what they want. Their "dreams" form a clear-cut vision in Technicolor in their minds. They know exactly what to do, when, and why. How did they get to that point? I suggest you read Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich". It outlines many ofrepparttar 117188 personal challenges that YOU have to overcome. YOU needrepparttar 117189 correct mindset,repparttar 117190 right attitude first of all.

Do YOU think like a millionaire? Can YOU clearly visualize yourself in that successful position? Then only do you THINK success, ACTION success, and become SUCCESS. Download this e-book for free at and INVEST TIME FIRST OF ALL IN YOURSELF.

Next time, I am going to discuss goal setting. The correct way to do it - taught to me byrepparttar 117191 masters. To subscribe to this series of newsletters, send an email to and put "newsletter subscription" inrepparttar 117192 subject line. I welcome any criticism, comments, and thoughts on this newsletter as well.

Leon van der Linde recently retired from a successful IT carreer spanning 28 years, during which he became a Consultant IT Specialist. His main functions were in Marketing Support and Customer Satisfaction. He has written a number of manuals and articles. He is now actively involved with Online Marketing, and MLM, offline and online. His website is at


Written by Pavel Lenshin

Continued from page 1

For every offline business owner having several direct competitors onrepparttar same street is a nightmare, demanding taking unordinary steps in order to "keep afloat". For every online business owner hundreds, if not tens of thousands, direct competitors "onrepparttar 117180 same street" are a usual and inevitable feature of running online business fromrepparttar 117181 very beginning. Crucial part of making a difference here is to implement innovative-based business tactics on a constant basis.

There are many strategies of unique marketing measures that brought success. I have personally emphasizedrepparttar 117182 importance of creating USP (Unique Selling Proposition), but all of these advices are nothing more than a way of innovation implementation.

Whether you are creating a new product, choosing a web-design, setting up customer support or developing marketing plan - be innovative and unique in your approaches.

Every starting solo professional onrepparttar 117183 net experiences shortage in everything but probably a desire to succeed, so there is no point in reinventingrepparttar 117184 wheel. Often we are forced to make a compromise. If we speak about marketing strategy your next move may be well-known, widely-used and, therefore, customer-response-depleted or, onrepparttar 117185 other hand, innovative, unique and fresh, generating exposure you have never anticipated. Unfortinately many of us gorepparttar 117186 "conservative" way and that is why are doomed to read success stories of others, trying to reproduce what thousands marketers do vainly.

We are given proven tools that work - USP, time management, branding, viral marketing, affiliate programs etc. they representrepparttar 117187 invented axe - a proven tool - with help of which we need to crossrepparttar 117188 "Internet business ocean" and reach desired point "B", but it is for us to decide how wisely to use given axe.

The first one decided to throw it away and swim across,repparttar 117189 second built a raft,repparttar 117190 third added oars, whilerepparttar 117191 forth one in addition set a sail with a steering-wheel. What are you going to do? Rationalism teaches you to gorepparttar 117192 best-known forth way, while innovation - set a second sail or invent a steam engine!

Pavel Lenshin is a devoted Internet entrepreneur, founder of, where you can find everything to make your business prosper. Discounted Internet services, FREE ebooks FREE reports

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