Continued from page 1
This is how it happens online, people work together, and success often breeds more success.
But you don't have to be a BIG player to allow this pattern to work for you, as well. Don't be discouraged if you're a "newbie" and don't know anyone. Even
big moneymakers had to start somewhere. And everyone was a "newbie" once.
Here's a suggestion.
It relates back to
point at
end beginning of this article. If one of
big moneymakers sends you an advertisement. Read it! And if you have
opportunity, subscribe to their ezine. You won't be sorry. They want to share their knowledge and success. That's how they became a major player in
first place.
An alternative is to subscribe to
ezine of someone who may be more modest in internet stature, but who has impressed you with their knowledge and savvy. Maybe they are are a mid-level entrepreneur with a home business web site. ASK what programs they are having financial success with. Or what business tools they frequently use. If you're a subscriber to their ezine, it's possible they will only welcome your questions, and your interest. If not - find someone who will.
But in
end, don't expect someone else's efforts, or someone else's advertising budget, to get you over. And be wary of individuals who blanket
internet with e-mail, and continually jump from program, to program, to program. -- It's a fine line. Use your intuition. You want a mentor. Someone who's willing to help, because someone once helped them. But you don't want to waste a moment with a "mass" recruiter/salesperson who's only out for
quick first-run commission, and who doesn't care at all about his/her customers, or downline if they are involved in an mlm-type business.
So, just use common sense. And remain undeterred in your goals, whatever they may be. Because in
end, your ultimate fate on
internet will be determined on
basis of your resourcefulness, doggedness, and how unaccepting you are of failure.

C.J. Hill is the publisher of "The Entrepreneur's Sunday Ezine." You may subscribe at or send For information on the latest home business programs: