Are Herbal Remedies The Answer?

Written by Jon Davis

Continued from page 1

Should herbal remedies be regarded as an alternative, or a complementary supplement to conventional medicine? We need to use our common sense in this matter. If a herbal product appears to be effective in treating a minor condition, then by all means use it instead of resorting to a manufactured product, with possibly dubious side effects. As regards more serious and even life threatening conditions, it seems unwise to rejectrepparttar offerings of modern science, which forrepparttar 135610 most part have a proven record in alleviating suffering and prolonging life, whether or not they also cause undesirable side-effects. Herbal remedies may in these cases be used in a complementary way, if this is appropriate. Let us also not forget that many widely used conventional medications are based on a herbal product, (aspirin and digitalis to name just two), so we may be using a herbal based product without being aware of it. Herbal and conventional pharmaceutical remedies are not always mutually exclusive.

As in most areas of our daily lives, we need to obtain as much reliable information on this subject as we can, in order to make informed and intelligent choices, should the need arise. Jon Davis provides free advice & information on herbal remedies can be found at

The Great Opportunity

Written by Neil Millar

Continued from page 1

I had been upset. I had been dwelling onrepparttar down side of my relationship break-up. In particular I had been regretting so many wasted years. I was feeling just awful whenrepparttar 135595 thought I am telling you about travelled through my brain like an express train. The thought was this:

“I am a lucky man, in an enviable position and I’m a free to createrepparttar 135596 most incredible relationship withrepparttar 135597 most incredible woman I’ve ever met.”

Until that moment I had no idea thatrepparttar 135598 break-up of my relationship had a positive side, but that realisation made me laugh. That realisation reshaped my day. In fact it did a lot more than that…

Overrepparttar 135599 next few days I still had plenty of moments when I thought about allrepparttar 135600 things that hurt me. The good thing was though thatrepparttar 135601 “I’m a lucky man…’ thoughts kept returning. I realise now that what I had begun to do was let go of my attachment to my past relationship. I begun to spend time sitting down with my eyes shut and repeatingrepparttar 135602 thoughts that I was now free to createrepparttar 135603 most incredible relationship. As I did this it was like cords breaking. The heartache and pain subsided gradually overrepparttar 135604 following days and I began to feel somehow lighter, like a little of my pain had been lifted off.

Within four months that incredible relationship began to unfold. First I met this wonderful woman. We became close friends and from thererepparttar 135605 magic has just continued to unfold.

Try this:

For a moment close your eyes. Think about one thing that is causing you heart-ache. Now, be playful and imagine that this pain is in fact a great opportunity. Smile as you think aboutrepparttar 135606 opportunity that is now available to you right now. It may be a relationship. It may be a change of job. Whatever it is, just remember that as one door closes another opens…

This article is an extract from Neil Millar’s ‘Greater Steps to Happiness’. Visit and find out how to join Neil’s fast-growing readership and obtain a free copy of this e-book.

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