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Example #2:
Suppose that
exchange rates in London are £5 = $10 = ¥1000 and
exchange rates in Tokyo are ¥1000 = £6 = $10. I could convert $10 to £6 in Tokyo and convert that £6 into $12 in London, for a profit of $2. Why is this arbitrage?
Example #3:
Hopefully this one will hit a little closer to home for all you internet marketers. Suppose I found a website for sale that created a cash flow of $700 a month and I bought this website for huge discount at $3,000 from a “motivated” seller that needed an immediate lump sum of cash to pay off some sort of large debt and I then turned around and sold
website still at a discount for $7,000. I would make a risk free profit of $4,000 dollars. Suppose I chose to keep
website as a cash flow generator, after 5 months I would be into pure profit again. Why does this situation classify as arbitrage?
Example #4:
Here’s an example of arbitrage on a smaller scale. As a network marketer, leads are an essential part of your business. Whether you purchase them or generate them on your own you need leads. The bad thing is most leads go to waste because, for whatever reason, most leads are not interested in your particular home business. What do you do with all those “dead leads”? Suppose you opted to buy 100 leads on a monthly basis for a price of $100. On average, 95 percent of those leads won’t be interested in your home business. What if you could find a buyer that would buy them from you at $2 a piece? You would end up making $90 dollars a month on your “dead leads”. Not only would you get people joining you in your network marketing business, but you would profit anyway. Why is this arbitrage?
If you’re a network marketer this is
most powerful way to make a risk free profit from your business when your are first starting out. I have not disclosed this secret technique to
public yet, but if I feel
market demand is great enough I will create a step by step guide to help others do what I have described above.
There are opportunities to for you to make risk free profits everyday. All you really need to do is know what to look for and then take
time to look for it. Hopefully I’ve given you a powerful head start!

Daegan Smith is the Ex-NCAA Wrestler Turned Webmaster of Wanna Work From Home? Want a successful home based business? Then you need to check out Perfect Home Based Business Opportunities!