Anxiety & Panic – How to Help a Sufferer of Anxiety & Panic Disorder

Written by Joanne King

Continued from page 1

2.Whenrepparttar sufferer is having a panic attack get a wet washer and place it on their forehead and around their face.

3. Stay reassuring and let them know they will be ok

4.Ifrepparttar 139636 sufferer constantly asks for trips torepparttar 139637 hospital and visits torepparttar 139638 doctor, get them to write out everything they think they are suffering from. Every ache every pain. Be persistent inrepparttar 139639 fact they must not miss writing down one thing. Hold onto that piece of paper and schedule a doctor’s appointment for them. Accompany them atrepparttar 139640 visit and be firm withrepparttar 139641 doctor that you would like this investigated further. Sometimes there can be an underlying illness that has triggeredrepparttar 139642 anxiety and panic disorder.

5.Guide them to information that can help them with Anxiety and Panic Attacks (The more they are educated on Anxiety and Panic Attacksrepparttar 139643 less frighteningrepparttar 139644 attacks often become, especially information that is written by former sufferers, it assuresrepparttar 139645 sufferer they are not alone and they really can overcome it)

6.If they ask something of you that is unrealistic or interferes with something you already had planned, be firm and say no. You need your time too.

7.Don’t become “their crutch”. If you run to every beck and call they will not learn to help themselves. And as scary and frightening as it might be,repparttar 139646 only way they will become well again will be through helping themselves.

Ensure that while caring for an anxiety and panic sufferer that you also take time for yourself. Your health and well-being is important too!

© Joanne King -

About the Author - Joanne King is a former sufferer of Anxiety & Panic Attacks. She is the author of "How to Overcome Anxiety & Panic Attacks". She has helped other sufferers Worldwide to eliminate their Anxiety & Panic attacks.

Getting your target

Written by Dr. Jamie Fettig

Continued from page 1

As you go throughrepparttar day, do you have high levels of energy to do whatever you want to do? Do you have energy levels to carry you right throughrepparttar 139631 day? Or do you get sluggish and tired during parts ofrepparttar 139632 day, especially after lunch? This is a symptom.

Do you experience stress? This is a symptom as well. Why is it that one air traffic controller goes home stressed out of his mind, and another air traffic controller sitting right next to him goes home perfectly fine? What isrepparttar 139633 difference? It is notrepparttar 139634 job. They both haverepparttar 139635 same job. The difference is howrepparttar 139636 individual people respond torepparttar 139637 different situations. The healthier you are,repparttar 139638 less stress you experience, no matter what is happening inrepparttar 139639 environment.

There are many more things, just like this, that many people accept as something they “have to” have, something they just must deal with because of circumstances. And this is simply not true. The full potential of health, to me, is that of a four- year-old child.

When isrepparttar 139640 last time someone had to fight you to get you to go to bed at night? When isrepparttar 139641 last time someone had to bargain with you to get you to take a nap? When isrepparttar 139642 last time you ran torepparttar 139643 car, just because you could? Or even better, had a contest to see who could run “over there”repparttar 139644 quickest, and then when you got there, had a contest to run back to exactly where you started? Or just ran anywhere, simply because you could and because you were in love with life, and wanted to do as much as possible? You don’t see kids getting up inrepparttar 139645 morning, rubbing their eyes, scratching their butts, staggering around with their cup of juice, reading their Fisher-Price books before they finally wake up. When kids get up, they are up, ready to take onrepparttar 139646 day. This is starting, and I mean only starting, to point to what having health really and fully means. You can begin to start forming what your target of health actually looks like. In one ofrepparttar 139647 later lessons I am going to help you form your target of health. But first, we need to help you discoverrepparttar 139648 false beliefs you have happily accepted about health that are just not true. Because it is what you know that just ain't so that prevents you from achieving true health

What is the true and full meaning of health? This article is Part of a Free e-Course on Dieting and Eating Healthy. Go to to sign up. Do you want to be Healthy for Life. Dr. Jamie is giving you valuable free gifts to "ethically bribe" you into helping him make his new book, "The Ultimate Non-Diet" a #1 best seller. Go to

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