Antivirus Software

Written by Mike Ber

Continued from page 1

Nowadays, most viruses are spread inrepparttar form of e-mail attachments. This is because some ofrepparttar 143261 worst recent viruses relay on recipients that throw away common sense and launch a deadly e-mail attachment. Commonlyrepparttar 143262 attachments are with extensions that include .bat, .com, .exe, .pif, .scr, and .vbs. Sometimes to avoidrepparttar 143263 filters of antivirus software, virus creators enclose their malicious code in a .zip or .rar archive file. The file might even have a password to full antivirus programs that scan inside archives. And obviously,repparttar 143264 password is included inrepparttar 143265 message as an image forrepparttar 143266 convenience ofrepparttar 143267 naive user. As a simple but reliable rule, you should never open an attachment that you didn’t expect to receive, even if it came from someone you know. Also, make sure your e-mail software is configured so it will not automatically open attachments.

Another common way of spreading viruses is file sharing. Many viruses spread themselves throughout open network shares. You can protect your computer not sharing files or directories overrepparttar 143268 network. But if you don’t have a choice and you have to share your files, you are still able to reducerepparttar 143269 risk of being infected by installing antivirus software and keeping it updated. Other ways to become infected with viruses are downloading files or software fromrepparttar 143270 Internet, instant messaging or even web pages.

Ifrepparttar 143271 file you are downloading orrepparttar 143272 computer you are downloading it from is infected with a virus, there is a big chance that your computer will also become infected withrepparttar 143273 virus. As forrepparttar 143274 instant messaging,repparttar 143275 major risk comes from accepting files from other users onrepparttar 143276 network. This risk can be minimized by configuring your antivirus software to scan all incoming files and also configure your other programs not to automatically accept files, and not to automatically executerepparttar 143277 files you accept. Certain viruses are known to infect web servers. If you visit a website from an infected server, your computer could be infected withrepparttar 143278 same virus, but this is a very rare method of infection.

There are many different threats that are targetingrepparttar 143279 computers. Although they are very different, all of them are popularly called viruses. A virus by definition is a self-replicating file, not considering whether it is malicious or not. Another type ofrepparttar 143280 so called viruses are worms; they circulate mainly through e-mail but also spread through a network. A worm is aware he is located in a network and uses it for replicating itself. Trojan horses (or trojans) are mostly used to insert some remote tools into a system in order to giverepparttar 143281 attacker free access to that system, withoutrepparttar 143282 user’s knowledge. Most Trojan horses cannot replicate automatically.

Withrepparttar 143283 increased number of Internet users,repparttar 143284 existing threats are also raising as now there are many more computers to attack and more people that don’t know to stay away from these threats. Butrepparttar 143285 antivirus software producers are making it easier for us. There is a lot of antivirus software which cover a lot of threats. All we have to do is install one.

Mike Ber is the owner of the Canadian Domain Name Portal called He is also a contributing author to,, and

Spyware Definitions List

Written by Gary Gresham

Continued from page 1
Tracking cookies Tracking cookies are files with small amounts of data like passwords and settings. Tracking cookies can provide a benefit to you especially if you revisitrepparttar same web sites. But inrepparttar 143226 wrong hands, cookies are used to track your Internet behavior without your knowledge or consent and provides marketers with private information about you. Keyloggers Keyloggers are programs that run inrepparttar 143227 background silently recording all your keystrokes. Oncerepparttar 143228 keystrokes are logged,repparttar 143229 hacker uses a remote keyloggers program to retrieverepparttar 143230 data later. The hacker can get your passwords, credit card numbers and any personal information on your computer. Malware The definition of malware is any malicious software or program that will harm your computer. Computer viruses, worms and Trojans are all considered malware, but several other types of programs may also be included underrepparttar 143231 term. Password Cracker A password cracker is simply a program used to decrypt a password or password file. Security administrators use password crackers for legitimate use by using them to improve system security. Butrepparttar 143232 dangers when a hacker gets a program like this is unimaginable. There are many other spyware definitions including scumware, annoyanceware, parasites andrepparttar 143233 list continues to grow daily.

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