Antioxidants - Your Best Defense Against Disease and Aging

Written by Hamoon Arbabi

Continued from page 1
The antioxidant value of any food or supplement can be determined by it's ORAC rating. ORAC means Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. According torepparttar University of Michigan, Comprehensive Cancer Center,repparttar 147720 measurement of ORAC is a way to measure how many oxygen radicals a specific food can absorb. The more oxygen radicals a food can absorb,repparttar 147721 higher its ORAC score. The higher its score...repparttar 147722 more that food or supplement will help you fight diseases like cancer and heart disease. Most experts agree that we should consume 5,000 ORAC units per day to effectively fight free radicals inrepparttar 147723 body. Sadly, most of us average around 1,200 units per day. Not nearly enough to protect us fromrepparttar 147724 common ciseases of aging. One ofrepparttar 147725 best sources of antioxidants are berries and fruits. Most of us would have a very hard time eatingrepparttar 147726 large amounts necessary to reach 5,000 ORAC units per day. For this reason, high ORAC supplements have been created. They contain berry and fruit extracts with a known ORAC rating. These supplements are inexpensive and provide many health benefits to your entire body and brain. Many people use these supplements as part of an anti-aging program. Keeping your cells from being destroyed goes a long way to staying healthy and young.

For more information about Antioxidants, Proteins, Multivitamins and Ceatines go to :

Inviting Antioxidants to Dinner

Written by Hamoon Arbabi

Continued from page 1
Antioxidants are usually abundant in foods that are rich in colors. Therefore foods that feature reds, lush greens, and strong blues are generally antioxidant rich. Top foods in terms of antioxidant power include such foods as cranberries, blueberries, spinach, black beans, strawberries, grapes and sweet potatoes(the deeperrepparttar orangerepparttar 147719 better), among numerous others. Both red wine and grape juice are known to have have a relatively high antioxidant value. It is also worth noting that many spices are antioxidant rich as well.

For more information about Antioxidants, Proteins, Multivitamins and Ceatines go to :

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