Anti-aging effects of Copper Peptide/DMAE

Written by Aleta Wells

Continued from page 1

By ageing reversal, I do not meanrepparttar slowing of ageing as anti-aging therapies purport to accomplish but ratherrepparttar 139218 reversion of skin to a biologically younger stage." He also went on to show how age-reversal was possible with stable copper peptide formulations. Dr Perricone, in his best-seller "The Wrinkle Cure" expounded to usrepparttar 139219 lifting and tightening of skin tissue whenever DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol) was applied torepparttar 139220 skin of his patients.

Nowrepparttar 139221 skin regenerating and lifting qualities of both of these extraordinary ingredients are available in one product found exclusively at

Aleta has 25 years experience in the health and beauty field.

Freeing Ourselves From Toxic Ties With the Past – Part I

Written by John R. Cook

Continued from page 1

The third type of ambush is apparent when we find ourselves, usually under stress, behaving just like someone important from our distant past. It happens because our personalities are formed from borrowed parts, attitudes and values called introjects, taken from influential people with whom we came into contact during our preschool years. Unfortunately, although we can counteract undesirable introjects as adults, we don’t have a choice as children. For example, it may berepparttar harsh, critical aspects of a powerful but emotionally distant father that we internalize and later act out, rather thanrepparttar 139204 kinder, more accepting aspects of our mother.

How you sever these toxic ties with our past is a two step process. This article has hopefully helped you to takerepparttar 139205 first step, recognizing these historical influences in your life. The second step involves tempering these influences by integrating childhood memories with adult skills and experiences. More about this inrepparttar 139206 next issue. Inrepparttar 139207 meantime, if you are keen to get started, call my assistant Nancy at 881-1206 to schedule a free consultation.

Dr. Cook is a registered clinical psychologist and founder of Aegis Psychological Services Inc.. His speciality is helping people with stress and anxiety-related conditions, including job-related and post-traumatic stress.

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