Another Life ... I wish I were someone else.

Written by Edward B. Toupin

Continued from page 1

If we sit still in our lives, we "create" personal challenges as a mechanism to keep us busy and to fool our souls into believing that we must remain stationary due to numerous setbacks. Many of these challenges have to do with unsatisfied desires and lethargy including absorbingrepparttar problems of others and living in your head to satisfyrepparttar 123310 needs ofrepparttar 123311 soul. However, when we're moving forward in life, we encounter challenges as a result of change and momentum whererepparttar 123312 Universe must create balance in our wake. Inrepparttar 123313 long run, it is easier to only manage forward-moving challenges than to have to create and then manage our own challenges.

As you can see, challenges can be changed from "problems" by merely altering their purpose. It is a change in perspective that changes our attitude to those challenges that we face everyday. However, this change in perspective can only occur if you have a plan in place that allows you to look at things from a different angle. To do so, you must determine ifrepparttar 123314 resolution of a challenge will be a benefit to your desired direction. If not, thenrepparttar 123315 challenge might not be essential to resolve, except for purposes of ego. Yet, ego is only a false protector that comes into play when we lose our way. Once we have a direction in life, ego can be replaced with self-esteem to allow you a chance to build and move forward.

Inrepparttar 123316 long run your desire for someone else's life will merely bring on someone else's challenges. If you do decide to take on someone else's life, although their current destination might be appealing, their path might not be something that will satisfy your desires. Become your own hero and stop envyingrepparttar 123317 lives of others as, in most cases, they envy your life as well. As you plan and define your direction, you will find that your life is truly unique. Learn to love yourself and your life and takerepparttar 123318 time to "turn it into" everything that you desire.

Edward B. Toupin is an author, life-strategy coach, counselor, Reiki Master, technical writer, and PhD Candidate living in Las Vegas, NV. Among other things, he authors books, articles, and screenplays on topics ranging from career success through life organization and fulfillment. For more information, e-mail Edward at or visit his sites at or

Exceptional Teachers

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Personal and Professional Development Coach

Continued from page 1

Mr. Pink, my high school English teacher, read a long list to us: “Your papers must be tidy. No ink smudges, no pencil smears, no wrinkles or crumples. The only excuses I will accept for late papers are …”

And how do your write an English paper? Neatly, without crumpling your paper, with a nice pen. There. Manageable and under control. Treatrepparttar PAPER with respect. The finger downrepparttar 123309 spine. Put on those lace-up shoes and suddenlyrepparttar 123310 project isn’t totally overwhelming.

Beyond standards,repparttar 123311 exceptional teachers talked about character and what’srepparttar 123312 right thing to do. Dr. Duda, my high school Latin teacher, discovered that kids had been making fun of one ofrepparttar 123313 girls inrepparttar 123314 class. Withoutrepparttar 123315 girl present, Dr. Duda spent 15 minutes one class pacingrepparttar 123316 front ofrepparttar 123317 room giving us a lecture on how to treat people – with dignity and respect. She was almost goose-stepping, emphasizing how displeased she was. She also told us how to treat someone with respect. It’s always so nice to instruct along with your criticism, i.e., not this, but THIS.

Aware ofrepparttar 123318 cruelty often imposed on my fellow classmates, I suddenly felt safer. Here was one teacher who had actually noticed and was not going to allow it. Only when you feel safe, can you learn. The best teachers addressedrepparttar 123319 emotional side of things. Mr. Ramon, another Latin teacher, startedrepparttar 123320 second lesson with a contradictory grammar rule and said, “You are thinking ‘My teacher has lied to me.’ “ Yes, I was, and it was confusing. Much about learning was confusing and it was so nice to have someone verbalize it. Today he says “Do it this way.” The next day, “No, do it this way.” It’srepparttar 123321 story of your life as a kid, and as a teen as well. Mr. Ramon was assuring us that whilerepparttar 123322 material was not consistent, he was still in charge ofrepparttar 123323 mess.

My junior year in high school, a student had committed suicide. The tragic news made its way quickly downrepparttar 123324 halls, in whispers but was ignored byrepparttar 123325 teachers. When we got to Mr. Adams’ geometry class, instead of taking his usual formal stance, he sat onrepparttar 123326 edge of his desk and talked about what had happened. Not a word was mentioned in any other class. Schools are more adept at handling such things these days.


The concept ofrepparttar 123327 inner sanctum means make your place of teaching a sacred place for learning where students feel safe and where special things happen. Do this byrepparttar 123328 care you put intorepparttar 123329 décor and fixtures inrepparttar 123330 room, and also inrepparttar 123331 way you conduct yourself.

The finger downrepparttar 123332 spine is expectations and high standards. We all do better when a lot is expected of us. Not too much, but a lot. Things we have to stretch a little bit to get to. We have such pride when we accomplish something we perceived of as hard, and this is how we build self-esteem.

Exceptional teachers have presence. If you stand straight and tall, you’re running your finger down your students’ spines as well. Standing and delivering isn’t inrepparttar 123333 military for no reason, after all.

If you're a teacher, be an exceptional one. If you're a learner, seek exceptional teachers. They'll leave you with more than how to conjugate Latin verbs.

©Susan Dunn, MA, The EQ Coach, . Coaching, distance learning, and ebooks around emotional intelligence for your continued personal and professional development. I train and certify EQ coaches. Get in this field, dubbed “white hot” by the press, now, before it’s crowded, and offer your clients something of real value. Start tomorrow, no residence requirement. for free ezine.

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