Animal Behavior: What is My Dog Saying?

Written by C. Bailey-Lloyd/Lady Camelot

Continued from page 1

Another body language sign to look for is inrepparttar ears. When a dog's ears are back and flat against their skull, this can mean one of two things: 1) If accompanied by a full-body tail wag, they're happy to see you, or 2) if coupled with their tail between their legs, they're afraid.

One animal behavior that many folks despise isrepparttar 126123 chewing and destruction of personal belongings. This, too is animal speech. What most humans don't know is that aside fromrepparttar 126124 destruction of personal property, dogs tend to chew things from their people owners, whom they likerepparttar 126125 most. Yes, I said, "whom they likerepparttar 126126 most." Dogs are fairly picky when it comes to chewing shoes, clothing, etc. When there are more persons in a household, dogs will specifically seek out personal items of people that they consider to be their master. Although this is notrepparttar 126127 nicest trait of animals, just remember that when you're scolding Rex that he only did it because he loves you.

In closing, dogs arerepparttar 126128 most telepathic lifeforms on earth. When you feel sad, they feel sad with you. When you are angry, they try to disolverepparttar 126129 situation with their loving and pawing. When you're happy, they feel your happiness with you. Observe your animals, they are picking up on your emotions more than you may think. And always, love your animals - they're here only a little while...perhaps to teach usrepparttar 126130 most vital communication skill inrepparttar 126131 world -repparttar 126132 ability to listen.

Animal Behavior: What is My Dog Saying? © 2004 - All Rights Reserved C. Bailey-Lloyd/Lady Camelot Public Relations' Director [All work by author is copyright protected. If you would like to use this article, please contactrepparttar 126133 author for permission.]

C. Bailey-Lloyd/Lady Camelot Public Relations' Director

Is Dysthymic Disorder a Second-Rate Depression?

Written by Michael G. Rayel, MD

Continued from page 1

So is Dysthymic Disorder a second-rate psychiatric disorder? Based on my experience, patients experience considerable emotional turmoil. In fact, some dysthymic patients eventually develop a more serious depression called Major Depressive Disorder. When “double depression” (dysthymic disorder and major depression occurring together) happens, patients are so depressed that they become a threat to themselves and become functionally impaired. At this time, psychiatric hospitalization becomes necessary.

So Dysthymic Disorder is a serious health problem that should be recognized and treated promptly. It is an illness that somehow hides its existence from everyone including clinicians and patients themselves.

What isrepparttar treatment? Dysthymic disorder can be treated by antidepressants and psychotherapy. Most patients respond to treatment although some still suffer despite adequate treatment. Also, there are some individuals who only respond minimally. As such, this illness can be more challenging to treat than others.

Dr. Michael G. Rayel – author (First Aid to Mental Illness–Finalist, Reader’s Preference Choice Award 2002) psychiatrist, and inventor of Oikos Game: A Personal Development and Emotional Skills Game. For more information, please visit

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