Andropause and Testosterone

Written by Cathy Taylor

Continued from page 1

¨T¨ hormones work by connecting themselves to proteins inrepparttar blood. These proteins follow throughrepparttar 113743 bloodstream and reachrepparttar 113744 vital areas ofrepparttar 113745 body whererepparttar 113746 hormone works. A small amount of testosterone does not attach themselves to any protein – these are called free testosterone.

This free hormone isrepparttar 113747 most impactful hormone in your system. When Andropause comes to fruition, more testosterone attach themselves to proteins, leaving less ofrepparttar 113748 free testosterone available. As you can see, proteins can have a reverse effect on us as well! It is a paradox – a hormone working too hard does more damage than good!

As men grow older, androgen levels start to decline. Remember guys, estrogen is to women as androgen is to men. Androgens are produced inrepparttar 113749 adrenal gland (located aboverepparttar 113750 kidneys) and inrepparttar 113751 testicles. These hormones are responsible for producing sperm, promoting sex drive, aiding with erectile function, and helping determinerepparttar 113752 gender of an unborn child. If you are a bodybuilding enthusiast, please note that lack of androgen will affect your muscle build, causing decreased muscle mass and loss of strength.

No amount of whey protein, creatine, or glutamine can remedy this problem. Instead of building six-pack abs, you will have increased body fat inrepparttar 113753 areas you need it least. Squats (total body building exercise) and deadlifts (compound exercise that worksrepparttar 113754 back) are nearly impossible to perform, as Andropause can cause osteoporosis (loss of bone tissue) and back pain. This should not deter you from having a daily exercise regimen, however.

Exercise has been scientifically proven to lessenrepparttar 113755 effects of testosterone loss and your routine should be altered to accommodate this as you age. There are also alternatives such as testerone cream that can help you regain your sex drive and stamina. Withrepparttar 113756 right nutrition, including diet and exercise, Andropause can be a comfortable passage.

Cathy Taylor is a marketing consultant with over 25 years experience. She specializes in internet marketing, strategy and plan development, as well as management of communications and public relations programs for small business sectors. She can be reached at Creative Communications: or by visiting or

Andropause and Depression

Written by Cathy Taylor

Continued from page 1

How do we deal with these devastating changes to our lives? How can we manage stress to reducerepparttar chances of clinical depression? For one, we must follow a daily exercise regimen. That coupled with a caffeine-free diet will boost our immune systems to fight disease. It will also slow downrepparttar 113742 aging process. Aim to maintain that explosive 30-inch, vertical leap well into your 60s!

Another is doingrepparttar 113743 activities we love. Don’t stray from playing your pick-up basketball games with buddies or building those go-carts from scratch as a hobby. Stick to them and enjoyrepparttar 113744 satisfaction of doing so. Distract yourself from your current condition without ignoring it completely.

Maintain a social network of friends and family that will cheer you up when you need it most. Something as simple as having your young child shove a hand drawing of a red school bus in your face can provide for laughs and smiles. The most important piece of advice is to accept your condition and make accommodations.

For example, low testosterone levels can easily be supplemented with testosterone cream. It’s bound to happen to all of us, and you either haverepparttar 113745 choice of makingrepparttar 113746 best of it or letting it overwhelm you. Awareness is critical, and an optimistic attitude, followed with physical activity and a solid nutritional plan, isrepparttar 113747 best means of fighting Andropause, anti-aging, andrepparttar 113748 demon known as depression.

Cathy Taylor is a marketing consultant with over 25 years experience. She specializes in internet marketing, strategy and plan development, as well as management of communications and public relations programs for small business sectors. She can be reached at Creative Communications: or by visiting or

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