Ancient philosophers’ thoughts found on the Internet can effect the way we think about the Internet itself, as well as other ‘bigger’ things…

Written by Jesse S. Somer

Continued from page 1

This relates torepparttar use ofrepparttar 132362 Internet because it looks as though people are afraid to get onrepparttar 132363 Web. I used to be afraid for Pete’s sake! To tell yourepparttar 132364 truth I still have some irrational fears when it comes to researching a paper for school. I often think, “Will I findrepparttar 132365 ‘right’ information?” The answer of course is that there is always a possibility of things going wrong, that’s this perfection of reality. Life would be stale, stagnant and sterile otherwise. The key lies in our belief in this perfection. The Internet has eliminatedrepparttar 132366 need to go to libraries and carry around huge books just to read small sections of each. There is also less need to get to a science library and then sociology, mathematics etc. So much information is now available to people in our own homes.

Whether you are researching seventeenth century philosophers’ ways of thinking for personal or professional reasons, or even just looking up information on how to make your own chai tea, or on how to changerepparttar 132367 oil on your car;repparttar 132368 Internet is a source for so many areas of interest it is simply mind boggling. It is trulyrepparttar 132369 most perfect form of reality’s perfection in modern contemporary society. That’s why they call thisrepparttar 132370 Information age right? The only problem has to deal withrepparttar 132371 perfectly imperfect amount of pornography that constitutes more than half of all websites onrepparttar 132372 Web. What does this say about our current moral disposition in our changing perception’s construct of reality? I’ll leave you with that one to ponder…

Jesse S. Somer M6.Net Jesse S. Somer is a novice writer and philosopher thinking about the real meaning behind the existence of the World Wide Web. Check out his web log at

Getting Away from Mainstream Media and Finding the News That's Relevant

Written by Jesse S. Somer

Continued from page 1

Although this idea is in its infancy,repparttar repercussions once realized could have a mammoth impact on how individual humans see and live their lives on Earth. Imagine a society that stretches acrossrepparttar 132360 globe where a collective consciousness speaks to itself in an informative many-to-many communicative process. There are a lot of happy, positive, intelligent people in this world who are interested in similar things to you. Wouldn’t you like to hear their stories and share their knowledge as a way of constructing your view of reality?

Let’s leave behind this era of negative perspectives and singular authorities telling us how life on Earth should be viewed. It is interesting that some ofrepparttar 132361 most over-wealthy, greedy individuals media moguls who tell us what is important. Don’t you want to have a say in how you look at your life while you are here? Positivism and wisdom surrounds us at all times. Wouldrepparttar 132362 Universe exist otherwise? Lets reconnect with that source of energy that makes us smile so many times each day. If life were meant to have so bleak an outlook, would there even be stars inrepparttar 132363 sky?

Jesse S. Somer M6.Net Jesse S. Somer is a writer thinking about how all this new technology could one day be utilized by the masses of technologically challenged people like him. If it could be incorporated into everyday life in a positive way, life itself could evolve to a higher plane. Please visit to see Jesse’s personal blog.

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