Anchors Away!

Written by Greg Reid

Continued from page 1

Sounds funny now, huh? The moral of this story is that I allowed Mark to set my limitations. I forgot that people only have as much power over us as we give them.

In retrospect, Mark was correct: He was my anchor after all, because I allowed him to hold me back from sailing toward prosperity earlier in my life when I first wanted to take that leap. Until I grew strong enough to cutrepparttar tie and move forward on my own, I allowed myself to be restrained by his idea of what success should be.

Bottom line, I rolled up my sleeves and set myself free . . . anchors away!

Remember, only you know what you’re capable of, so if you’re going to choose to live up to someone’s expectations, shouldn’t they be your own?

With that said, here’s my challenge. Take a moment to reflect on any “ugly” people who may be taking up space in your head (rent free), and gently let them go. You deserve better. In fact, you deserverepparttar 104168 best. Never, ever let another person hold you back from your dreams.

Now, don’t do what I say, do what I did. Roll up your sleeves and set yourself free as well. Anchors away!

Best wishes always, and whatever you do,

Keep smiling!


By: Gregory Scott Reid Speaker and two-time #1 best-selling author, The Millionaire Mentor and Wake Up: Live the Life You Love

Life's True ROI

Written by Charles McCaron

Continued from page 1

"We will figure it out tomorrow."

They figured it out. Grandpa turned his love for poetry into cute little life affirming sayings that he wrote in greeting cards and onrepparttar headings of agendas and in small self- published books that barely sold enough copies to pay forrepparttar 104167 paper they were printed on. In his best year, my grandfather made just enough money to barely creep overrepparttar 104168 poverty line.

Many years afterwards, seeing me stressed out over some inane thing orrepparttar 104169 other atrepparttar 104170 big corporation I worked for (in one of those big glass boxes), my grandfather said:

"Are they killing your soul Charlie? Are they taking away what makes your heart fly and your mind shine and your eyes sing?" (I told you Grandpa was a poet).

"I think they are, Grandpa." I said, almost in tears.

"You will only be here for a short time, Charlie. Don’t let anyone take away your joy for even one minute of your precious life." (Once again, I told you Grandpa was a poet)

This brings me back torepparttar 104171 topic of this article. Yes, Business owner, you should do allrepparttar 104172 analysis that you can to decide if you should keep your business alive. There are lots of services, ranging in price from free to millions of dollars, that will help you decide if there is a future for your business.

But in your analysis, when adding uprepparttar 104173 pluses and minuses and comparing financial and personal gains and losses, do one thing. Addrepparttar 104174 issue of "How else can I make a living and would I like it?" torepparttar 104175 equation and give that topic an important score in your analysis.

Grandpa never regretted having less money for a much more fulfilling life. Nor did grandma once she realized how much happierrepparttar 104176 whole family was once they were living a less stressful and more simplified life in a healthy and scenic part ofrepparttar 104177 country. One year after his decision, and in celebration, my grandparents burned their "___ Hours ‘tilrepparttar 104178 weekend" and "___ Days ‘til retirement" gag calendars they had received when Grandpa had started his corporate career.

So dear reader, before you throw inrepparttar 104179 towel, I,repparttar 104180 business consultant, and my grandfather,repparttar 104181 lover of life, professionally advise you to make surerepparttar 104182 towel remaining is better thanrepparttar 104183 one you want to throw away.

Charles McCaron is the founder and owner of My Guru Knows, a group of professional consultants for small to medium-sized businesses.

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