Anamchara - Life Coaching and Beyond

Written by Tony Cuckson

Continued from page 1

5.Be surrendered.

This isrepparttar ultimate life skill in this 21st Century. It isrepparttar 129405 ultimate skill in any century. Just let go. Do not letrepparttar 129406 sense of ego rule your being. Do not add to this sense of attachment to this illusion of who you think you are. Otherwise you are always living your life second-hand. Simply learn to give yourself way. Give your love for no reason. Be more unreasonable. Come to your senses. Come back to a little more common sense and a lot more awareness ofrepparttar 129407 beauty of your body. Leaverepparttar 129408 rational awhile. It is only ever a part ofrepparttar 129409 wholeness of who you are.

6.Be Enough

I remind people allrepparttar 129410 time that they are “forever enough.” This isrepparttar 129411 reality of life that is lived first hand. You can improve your life situation but you cannot improve uponrepparttar 129412 first hand experience of life. If you are troubled in life it usually means you are not living first hand. You are living past or future ideas of what life will be or was. There is little or no presence. This life has been gifted to you. You had nothing to do to be gifted it. In every moment it is enough if you know how to receive it. If you can look and see through an open heart then you will come to know. Just for a little while each day stop “trying.” Sit and breathe in and out. Going nowhere all is achieved. It takes time to build this trust. Yet we need to begin.

7.Be grateful

Practice gratitude. This is a great attitude of being. People who teach motivation focus on developing this practice. The right attitude brings results. Onlyrepparttar 129413 first attitude is that of being. Out of this attitude all else arises. One is simplyrepparttar 129414 experience of gratefulness. One is simplyrepparttar 129415 experience of celebration. This is life. This is not “your life” dependant on outcomes. It is onlyrepparttar 129416 moment-to-moment flow of this gift of life that we are freely given. It isrepparttar 129417 free flow ofrepparttar 129418 energy of love. When you know this you go beyond. This experience of life is then “beyond belief. It is beyond “Life Coaching.”

Beyond coaching means dropping rather than accumulating. It means commitment torepparttar 129419 experience of being inrepparttar 129420 present. It means dropping attachment to “your life” in order to live. It is to live life non-separate from love. One moment will be enough because you are forever enough.

Blessings upon you from Corrogue –repparttar 129421 place ofrepparttar 129422 briars.

Tony Cuckson is an Anam Cara. This Celtic term means “Soul Friend.” He specializes in providing insight for the spiritual journey, Irish Blessings, words of wisdom and finding inner peace. Get your free report called “7 ways to it’s a wonderful life” at or visit Tony’s Blog at for the best resources on spiritual growth.

Going The Extra Mile

Written by Andrew Henry

Continued from page 1

If you've created a fairly large site yourself and then wanted to add an extra button/option to a menu, only to realise that you now have to change that on 200 pages - all because you didn't implement a way to do this automatically (like using Server Side Includes (SSI)) when you startedrepparttar site, you'll see why it makes sense to gorepparttar 129402 extra mile out of habit, rather than necessity.

This habit of goingrepparttar 129403 extra mile applies to everything you do.

I believe that we all haverepparttar 129404 ability to connect with a greater source than ourselves, and that in order to create true success for ourselves we need to adoptrepparttar 129405 habit of doing things for other people. When we give our effort/time/money, we're putting ourselves in line for more ofrepparttar 129406 same to return to us. When we go above and beyondrepparttar 129407 normal, we're exposing that 'extra' part of ourselves torepparttar 129408 universal flow which will reward us back tenfold. The return may not come fromrepparttar 129409 person/people who received your value, but it WILL return.

The value you get in return for your work comes in many forms, you automatically increase your experience of any activity you undertake and thereby benefit immediately for any work you do. If your extra effort is in devoting your time to self-improvement or study, this will make you more able to facerepparttar 129410 world with an effective mindset, or give you qualifications that people will pay well for.

If you adoptrepparttar 129411 habit of goingrepparttar 129412 extra mile, your rewards are multiple and varied. Anyone can userepparttar 129413 power of goingrepparttar 129414 extra mile, whether you're in a 9-5 job and you stay to finish your work before you leave (rather than jumping and running out at 5pm because it's That time), or whether you spend your evenings educating yourself, or working a second job - you will be rewarded for your efforts.

For Internet Marketers, goingrepparttar 129415 extra mile can apply to everything you do, especially when working with or helping other online marketers and people starting out.

I've found this principle powerful in both personal and business environments, so I urge you to use it for your own success.


Andy Henry

Andrew Henry is an author, information publisher, student of human nature and success coach. Andrew runs several forums and shares a wealth of Success and Motivation information from his website at

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