An examined life

Written by Sonny Perkowski

Continued from page 1

What is a proactive parent? A proactive parent understands that that parenting is a relational activity, whichrepparttar rules that govern relationships with others work here as well; just withrepparttar 111674 added twist thatrepparttar 111675 parent is in charge. A proactive parent understands that children are like sponges and will react asrepparttar 111676 parents react. A proactive parent understands that to truly berepparttar 111677 best parent she can be is to understand herself as completely as possible.

I became convinced during my working years and as a parent that many problems have a more spiritual aspect: A feeling of worthlessness. Mothers, women often feel as if spirituality belongs to men; or their own experiences as children has left them feeling as if they are unworthy to be anything other than, "a loser." Because of my own personality, experience and understanding of myself, I went into formation for Spiritual Direction and created a ministry for mothers.

I have come back to writing late. When I was younger I wrote often, then stopped for many reasons. Now I am slowly coming back to journaling.

I learned that life truly is what YOU make it and there are rules to this game of life, and I have become a student of life to live it at my best.

Sonny Perkowksi is a woman who has spent most of her adult life explore and examining her life.

FRIENDSHIP Suggestions For Feeling Better.

Written by Ken McIsaac

Continued from page 1

"The rule of friendship means there should be mutual sympathy between them, each supplying whatrepparttar other lacks and trying to benefitrepparttar 111673 other, always using friendly and sincere words." - Buddha (BC)

As a friend, try to let an unfavorable incident or remark fly right overrepparttar 111674 top of your head. We all blurt out something stupid or do something regrettable at times, and it's so nice whenrepparttar 111675 other acts as if it never happened. This is a dear friend.

"I destroy my enemy when I make him my friend" - Abe Lincoln (1809-1865)

This article is an excerpt from 32 KEYS A Collection of Ideas About Life by Ken McIsaac. Read the complete book online at

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