An Easy Way to Choose Attractive Color Combinations

Written by Sunil Tanna

Continued from page 1

4. Repeat step 3 forrepparttar 2nd, 3rd, etc. most prominent colors inrepparttar 143608 image. Depending on how many colors you need for your color scheme, you'll know when to stop (hint: too many colors can make your designs look confused and messy).

Converting Decimal to Hexadecimal:

The RGB three color values that you picked up in your paint program may either be in decimal (0 to 255) or hexadecimal (00 to FF) - most paint programs tend to userepparttar 143609 former. If you want to use your colors in HTML code, you'll need to convertrepparttar 143610 three numbers into hexadecimal, and putrepparttar 143611 digits in order RRGGBB.

A quick way to do this is:

1. Startrepparttar 143612 Windows calculator.

2. Make sure that it's in "Scientific" mode (on View menu).

3. Make surerepparttar 143613 "Dec" radio button is selected.

4. Enter a decimal number.

5. Clickrepparttar 143614 "Hex" radio button, and note downrepparttar 143615 value. Ifrepparttar 143616 value is only a single digit, add a leading 0.

6. Repeat steps 3 to 6 for each ofrepparttar 143617 three numbers in your triplet of RGB values.

For example:

R (decimal) = 194, converts to C2 (hexadecimal) G (decimal) = 15, converts to 0F (hexadecimal) B (decimal) = 140, converts to 8C (hexadecimal)

Therefore color to use inrepparttar 143618 HTML code is C20F8C.

Manual Conversion To Color-Safe Palette:

I promised earlier that I would tell you how to manually convert a color into a color-safe value if your paint program doesn't have a built-in function for this. Here's how:

1. First, for your color, you needrepparttar 143619 triplet of Red, Green and Blue values that we've talked about throughout this article.

2. For each ofrepparttar 143620 three values, you need to convert them separately into their color-safe equivalents.

If you're starting from decimal values:

0 to 25 - converts to 0 (decimal) or 00 (hexadecimal) 26 to 76 - converts to 51 (decimal) or 33 (hexadecimal) 77 to 127 - converts to 102 (decimal) or 66 (hexadecimal) 128 to 178 - converts to 153 (decimal) or 99 (hexadecimal) 179 to 229 - converts to 204 (decimal) or CC (hexadecimal) 230 to 255 - converts to 255 (decimal) or FF (hexadecimal)

If you're starting from hexadecimal values:

00 to 19 - converts to 0 (decimal) or 00 (hexadecimal) 1A to 4C - converts to 51 (decimal) or 33 (hexadecimal) 4D to 7F - converts to 102 (decimal) or 66 (hexadecimal) 80 to B2 - converts to 153 (decimal) or 99 (hexadecimal) B3 to E5 - converts to 204 (decimal) or CC (hexadecimal) E6 to FF - converts to 255 (decimal) or FF (hexadecimal)

For example:

If we need to convert C20F8C to its closest color-safe equivalent:

- We would convertrepparttar 143621 C2 part to CC - We would convertrepparttar 143622 0F part to 00 - We would convertrepparttar 143623 8C part to 99 - And thus we would CC0099 asrepparttar 143624 final color.

Aboutrepparttar 143625 Author: This article was written by Sunil Tanna of Answers 2000. For more graphics tutorials, tricks and tips, please visit

This article was written by Sunil Tanna of Answers 2000. For more graphics tutorials, tricks and tips, please visit

An Easy Way to Choose Attractive Color Combinations

Written by Sunil Tanna

Continued from page 1

4. Repeat step 3 forrepparttar 2nd, 3rd, etc. most prominent colors inrepparttar 143607 image. Depending on how many colors you need for your color scheme, you'll know when to stop (hint: too many colors can make your designs look confused and messy).

Converting Decimal to Hexadecimal:

The RGB three color values that you picked up in your paint program may either be in decimal (0 to 255) or hexadecimal (00 to FF) - most paint programs tend to userepparttar 143608 former. If you want to use your colors in HTML code, you'll need to convertrepparttar 143609 three numbers into hexadecimal, and putrepparttar 143610 digits in order RRGGBB.

A quick way to do this is:

1. Startrepparttar 143611 Windows calculator.

2. Make sure that it's in "Scientific" mode (on View menu).

3. Make surerepparttar 143612 "Dec" radio button is selected.

4. Enter a decimal number.

5. Clickrepparttar 143613 "Hex" radio button, and note downrepparttar 143614 value. Ifrepparttar 143615 value is only a single digit, add a leading 0.

6. Repeat steps 3 to 6 for each ofrepparttar 143616 three numbers in your triplet of RGB values.

For example:

R (decimal) = 194, converts to C2 (hexadecimal) G (decimal) = 15, converts to 0F (hexadecimal) B (decimal) = 140, converts to 8C (hexadecimal)

Therefore color to use inrepparttar 143617 HTML code is C20F8C.

Manual Conversion To Color-Safe Palette:

I promised earlier that I would tell you how to manually convert a color into a color-safe value if your paint program doesn't have a built-in function for this. Here's how:

1. First, for your color, you needrepparttar 143618 triplet of Red, Green and Blue values that we've talked about throughout this article.

2. For each ofrepparttar 143619 three values, you need to convert them separately into their color-safe equivalents.

If you're starting from decimal values:

0 to 25 - converts to 0 (decimal) or 00 (hexadecimal) 26 to 76 - converts to 51 (decimal) or 33 (hexadecimal) 77 to 127 - converts to 102 (decimal) or 66 (hexadecimal) 128 to 178 - converts to 153 (decimal) or 99 (hexadecimal) 179 to 229 - converts to 204 (decimal) or CC (hexadecimal) 230 to 255 - converts to 255 (decimal) or FF (hexadecimal)

If you're starting from hexadecimal values:

00 to 19 - converts to 0 (decimal) or 00 (hexadecimal) 1A to 4C - converts to 51 (decimal) or 33 (hexadecimal) 4D to 7F - converts to 102 (decimal) or 66 (hexadecimal) 80 to B2 - converts to 153 (decimal) or 99 (hexadecimal) B3 to E5 - converts to 204 (decimal) or CC (hexadecimal) E6 to FF - converts to 255 (decimal) or FF (hexadecimal)

For example:

If we need to convert C20F8C to its closest color-safe equivalent:

- We would convertrepparttar 143620 C2 part to CC - We would convertrepparttar 143621 0F part to 00 - We would convertrepparttar 143622 8C part to 99 - And thus we would CC0099 asrepparttar 143623 final color.

Aboutrepparttar 143624 Author: This article was written by Sunil Tanna of Answers 2000. For more graphics tutorials, tricks and tips, please visit

This article was written by Sunil Tanna of Answers 2000. For more graphics tutorials, tricks and tips, please visit

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