An Alternative to Liposuction. Lipoliquidation or Lipodialysis

Written by Charles Kassotis

Continued from page 1
Method of application: The medicines used in this form of lipoliquidation are administered alternatively. Injections are undertaken once a week onrepparttar various parts ofrepparttar 143767 body. The therapy is repeated on average twelve times meaning that it takes up to three months to undergorepparttar 143768 full cycle of therapy. Uponrepparttar 143769 completion ofrepparttar 143770 therapyrepparttar 143771 patient sees a 50% improvement and, in two months followingrepparttar 143772 results ofrepparttar 143773 therapy reachrepparttar 143774 capacity of 100% improvement. Areas of use: this form of therapy is used to combat local fatty deposits and cellulite on thighs, buttocks, calves, arms and stomach. The injections whichrepparttar 143775 patient undergoes in view of this form of therapy also contain anesthetic so as to minimize pain which may be felt. ARTICHOKE HEART EXTRACT INJECTIONS Considered as being nature’s ‘heavy artillery’ inrepparttar 143776 fight against fatty deposits,repparttar 143777 artichoke’s heart is gaining more and more fans amongst those who want to address their problem inrepparttar 143778 most natural means as possible. The artichoke’s heart extracts are already being used to counteract high cholesterol levels and have also been found to have miraculous lipoliquidation results. The solution which is injected intorepparttar 143779 patient’s body contains artichoke heart extracts, vitamin B1 and anesthetic. Method of application: The artichoke heart extract is injected by means of very fine needles directly underrepparttar 143780 epidermis forcing thus,repparttar 143781 lipocells to release their fat and toxins and to expel them fromrepparttar 143782 body. Injections are undertaken fortnightly for a span of six months. The patient undergoing treatment begins to see results after two months sincerepparttar 143783 commencement of therapy. Final results are seen eight to ten weeks afterrepparttar 143784 completion of therapy. Ifrepparttar 143785 therapy is supplemented with a correct eating regime and exercise, results will last up to tree years. Areas of use: Artichoke heart extract therapy is especially suited in counteracting fatty deposits on thighs, buttocks, calves and stomach areas. LIPOLIQUIDATION THERAPY WITH OZONE AND OXYGEN The solutions used in this form of lipoliquidation therapy contain ozone and oxygen which, are currently being used in medicine to deal with problems pertaining to circulatory and neurological disorders and hepatitis to name but a few. Method of application: The oxygen/ozone solutions used in this form of lipoliquidation therapy affectrepparttar 143786 fatty tissue’s lipid acids by way of transforming them into water soluble combinations. They are then expelled byrepparttar 143787 body throughrepparttar 143788 urinary system. Furthermore to this,repparttar 143789 oxygen/ozone solution used inrepparttar 143790 lipoliquidation therapy also assists in enhancingrepparttar 143791 general health, elasticity and texture ofrepparttar 143792 skin. It also, it has powerful anti-inflammatory effect, tonesrepparttar 143793 body’s circulatory system, activatesrepparttar 143794 cells’ enzymes, enhancesrepparttar 143795 oxygenation of tissues and, fights free radicals. Areas of use: oxygen/ozone therapy can be undertaken on every part ofrepparttar 143796 face, on knees and calves and is highly recommended in treating cellulite. There are no side effects to this form of treatment and results are visible fromrepparttar 143797 second week of therapy onwards. Also, ifrepparttar 143798 patient is careful in his/her dietary habits and undertakes regular exerciserepparttar 143799 oxygen/ozone lipoliquidation therapy will have permanent results.

Charles Kassotis is the Owner and Webmaster of and Many Other Personal Health and Wellness Websites. With a Strong Interest in Personal And Overall Health, he has Invested 100’s of Hours in Research, and Published countless Health Articles aimed at Better Educating the Public to their Choices when it comes to Personal Health and Wellness.

History of Plastic Surgery

Written by Charles Kassotis

Continued from page 1
However, it was not until after World War I that Plastic Surgery developed its full scope of use. This was due torepparttar enormous amount of facial and body disfigurations which either resulted in Plastic Surgery being undertaken for aesthetic reasons, to regain functional abilities or, more often than not, for both. From then on and up until today, Plastic Surgery continues to play an ever increasingly important role as a field of medicine in today’s’ society either on its own when referring to simple cosmetic surgery or as part of, and in relation to other fields of surgical specialties.

Charles Kassotis is the Owner and Webmaster of and Many Other Personal Health and Wellness Websites. With a Strong Interest in Personal And Overall Health, he has Invested 100’s of Hours in Research, and Published countless Health Articles aimed at Better Educating the Public to their Choices when it comes to Personal Health and Wellness.

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