Am I a Rebel? Learn This Secret And You'll Never Fail!

Written by Randy Mclean

Continued from page 1

Take my case for example. For years I have been a devout follower ofrepparttar moderate carbohydrate, low fat and moderate protein diet. Just to try something a little different I decided to tryrepparttar 115814 high protein approach. I have read about it for years, it seemed logical to me scientifically forrepparttar 115815 most part, but it didn't work! Forrepparttar 115816 most part I felt a lot hungrier than I usually did while restricting calories. And that definitely wasn't good for me. To compensate, I took a week off and ate moderate amounts of food to satisfy what I felt had been deprivation, and then I went back to my old approach and it works fine.

Does it still seem logical to me? Sure. Do I still believe that others have lost weight on that approach? You bet! Could I explain why I feltrepparttar 115817 way I did? Partly. Even if my feelings aboutrepparttar 115818 diet were just in my head it still slowed down my progress, and anything that does so for whatever reason is bad. Again,repparttar 115819 mind can be a powerful tool to you when dieting and you want it to stay that way.

Could there be other reasons? Definitely. Mayberepparttar 115820 protein sources I had picked were too low in fat therefore resulting in me feeling more hunger. Or maybe I wasn't eating enough food period. But you do not want to get too technical. You could drive yourself crazy! If over a few weeks something just bugsrepparttar 115821 heck out you concerningrepparttar 115822 diet you're on maybe you should try something else.

Also, consider what I callrepparttar 115823 'discomfort factor.' Naturally, any type of program where you restrict your calories will leave you a little uncomfortable in some way or another but it's to findrepparttar 115824 one that you can tolerate with as little resistance as possible in order to succeed. Do not bang your head against a brick wall! Don't keep tryingrepparttar 115825 same thing if it doesn't work, switch. You might feel like your losingrepparttar 115826 battle but in reality you're progressing. If nobody explored, we wouldn't have found North America!


I know people who have lost weight byrepparttar 115827 high protein diet and others who swear byrepparttar 115828 high carbohydrate diet. It's your call. With all of this said, your best bet is to still choose one which makesrepparttar 115829 most sense to you based upon research, testimonials, friends, advertising etc. Then work from there. And remember, don't get greedy (like I did :)... if something works stick to it! It won't take long before you master your mind and your body!

Randy Mclean has a diploma in Fitness and Nutrition from Education Direct, a YMCA individual conditioning certificate and is the author of Instinct - Master Your Mind And Your Body! For free tips and tricks visit

'Dieting 101' - For Those Who Want to Start But Don't Know Where to Begin

Written by By Randy Mclean

Continued from page 1

3. Begin thinking of your exercise program.

While weight training is not a necessity it is highly recommeded for permanent lasting results. But if inconvenience or a lack of interest is an issue then cardiovascular activity will do just fine! Though what we explored in my other article about weight training is definitely true, it possible by all means to meet your goals with aerobic exercise. As with your goals, ask yourself these questions...Do I like to exercise at home? How much time do I have or am willing to put into it? What types of exercise do I enjoy (eg. walking, stationary bike etc.)? What days am I available?

I will now share with you some quick guidelines concerning your cardio. Incase you didn't know aerobic (meaning with air) exercise isrepparttar most beneficial for burning fat. Examples are swimming, jogging, brisk walking, running, stairclimber etc. The easiest to do by far isrepparttar 115813 exercise bike and walking. To be effective, aerobic exercise must last at least 20 minutes in duration. It doesn't have to be strenuous at all. If you can't hold a reasonable conversation while you train you are working too hard. Your heart rate does not have to be elevated that high. Also,repparttar 115814 opposite of aerobic is anaerobic meaning your are using more muscle power. Therefore, if you are onrepparttar 115815 bike and your legs start to burn releaserepparttar 115816 tension a little bit. Gradually as your muscles become more tired it still takesrepparttar 115817 same lung power to moverepparttar 115818 pedals while using lighter resistance. Either way you win!

To start off, 20-30 minutes of cardio three times a week should do wonders for you. As long as you are consistent you will see results. Remember that most ofrepparttar 115819 time it is notrepparttar 115820 exercise that is at fault butrepparttar 115821 person doing them or not doing them! Again, exercise does not have to be hard but consistent. I have tried to make these guidelines as easy as possible for you because when it comes down to it, we tend not to dorepparttar 115822 things we don't like or feel is too strenuous.

There! This plan should be enough to get you started well on your way to meeting your fitness goals. Once you haverepparttar 115823 foundation laid down in this manner you can use other information you acquire to build upon it. Good luck and take it allrepparttar 115824 way!

Randy Mclean has a diploma in Fitness and Nutrition from Education Direct, a YMCA individual conditioning certificate and is the author of Instinct - Master Your Mind And Your Body! For free tips and tricks visit

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