Alter your Attitudes

Written by Anurag Chopra

Continued from page 1
Ifrepparttar answer to any ofrepparttar 130096 above questions is in negative, then it is time we get going and ACT. How do we go about changing ourselves? Here are a few tools which helped me alter my attitudes thereby changing my life forrepparttar 130097 better .These tools have worked for me and thousands of others...and if these worked for sure will work for you too...the only thing you have to do is let them. 1. Be honest, open minded and willing to change - This isrepparttar 130098 most important step. Until you are honest with yourself, open to ideas and suggestions, and Willing to improve ....there is nothing in this world which will work for you. 2. List down allrepparttar 130099 negative characters or traits you have - You can always takerepparttar 130100 help of your wife/husband/partner or a close friend as sometimes...we may not be able to see in ourselves what others can see in us. 3. Start working on them from "easy to hard" - start fromrepparttar 130101 easiest one ...the ones which requires less effort and gradually move on torepparttar 130102 harder ones....breakrepparttar 130103 harder ones into smaller parts....have a time limit.....set your own schedule... . but do a little bit on a daily basis....that way we will remain in touch with ourselves. 4. Compliment yourself on your achievements....whatsoever small......compliment yourself ...that way we are motivated to do a little more. 5. Thank your Higher power for whatever you have and whatever you were able to change......If you don't believe inrepparttar 130104 concept of God...thank your stars......thankrepparttar 130105 universe...or thank science......the idea is not Whom to thank......but is to be grateful. 6. Snap yourself out of negative thoughts....and be conscious about them. One tool you can you can use is to wear a thick rubber band on your wrist and snap it whenever you are having negative will hurt you a little whenever you do that. By doing this you are giving signals to your brain that "pain is always comes from negative thoughts"...and if we don't want pain....we might as well not think negative. Try it for 30 days and I am sure you mind will be alert whenever a negative thoughts comes. 7. Learn from your experience: "The one thing that is more painful than learning from experience is NOT learning from experience!" Friends, life changes and if we WANT to be happy....we need to keep changing with time....and keep altering our attitudes torepparttar 130106 changing situations and circumstances. Most of us just need to start........take action....... takerepparttar 130107 first , God of your understanding andrepparttar 130108 universe will help you move on...... "It is easier to get older that get wiser" Choice is yours.... Anurag Chopra

Anurag Chopra is a Chandigarh, India based Attitude Consultant and can be reached at

Forgive and Forget

Written by Jerry Lopper

Continued from page 1

This definition of forgiveness-to give up resentment-gives meaning to "turnrepparttar other cheek." It’s not a passive acceptance of more wrongdoing, it’s a turning away fromrepparttar 130094 event altogether. When we give up our resentment and anger, we withdraw energy fromrepparttar 130095 event-without energy, every human act shrivels and dies. That’srepparttar 130096 meaning ofrepparttar 130097 phrase, "what you resist, persists."

When we forgive a perceived wrongdoing by giving up resentment and anger, we withdraw our energy fromrepparttar 130098 past event and preclude a continuing sequence of revenge, retribution, payback, and reprisal-we literally starverepparttar 130099 process before it escalates.

Forgiveness is more than a magnanimous act of charity. Forgiveness is a gift to ourselves-a gift of peace, calm, and serenity. Forgive and forget allows us to move on to activities with positive potential-activities withrepparttar 130100 possibility of joy.

About the author

Copywrite 2004, all rights reserved. Jerry Lopper is an author, personal coach, and consultant. His workshops, ebooks, articles, and coaching are available through where you can sign up for complimentary articles and coaching. His latest ebook is featured at

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