All about Tulip Gardens

Written by Linda Paquette

Continued from page 1

14. Greigii Another short (8 to 12 inches) addition torepparttar early spring garden (late March to early April), striking wavy edged foliage provides a perfect backdrop for an eruption of upright blooms that stand amidst a frame of flared-out petals.

15. Species The last andrepparttar 151161 least? This group is trulyrepparttar 151162 dwarf (4 to 12 inches) ofrepparttar 151163 tulip family. However, they’re easy to naturalize and their cheery blooms repeat year after year anytime from March to May, some varieties even seeding themselves freely! They are definite proof that good things come in small packages!

Plantingrepparttar 151164 tulip Bulbs

Although grown in Holland sincerepparttar 151165 late 16th Century, tulips are native torepparttar 151166 mountains of Turkey. There,repparttar 151167 winters are cold,repparttar 151168 spring rains are plentiful and they have cold winters, plenty of water inrepparttar 151169 spring, andrepparttar 151170 rest ofrepparttar 151171 year is well… hot! Tulips needrepparttar 151172 warmth of summer sun to ripen next year’s flower buds. However, they needrepparttar 151173 cold of winter to rest for their lively emergence in spring.

Generally, unplanted bulbs are difficult to keep over winter. Once evening temperatures dip to 50F, it’s time to put them inrepparttar 151174 ground. Fall is alsorepparttar 151175 best time to nourish your tulips. Before you begin planting bulbs, work nutrient rich compost through your soil. Although bulbs will grow in nearly any type of soil,repparttar 151176 richer your soil is,repparttar 151177 bigger your bulb lift will be next summer. Good drainage is another crucial factor in keeping bulbs healthy.

Plant bulbs two to three times their height. For compact displays, plant them closely together, but not touching. The root side of a bulb isrepparttar 151178 more rounded side;repparttar 151179 pointed side isrepparttar 151180 part that will open and sprout foliage and flower.

Container Tulip Tips

Choose container size according torepparttar 151181 height of your cultivar andrepparttar 151182 density of your bulb planting. Plant bulbsrepparttar 151183 same as you would garden grown-tulips, making sure there is at least ½ inch of soil belowrepparttar 151184 planting.

Plant tulips for indoor forcing in September and October. Place pots in a cool garden spot (outdoors) and cover them with an inch of clean soil. When top growth is about ½ -inch to 1-inch, transfer them indoors to a darkened area with a maximum temperature of 60F. Letrepparttar 151185 stems lengthen for about three weeks and return them to a lighted area with a slightly higher temperature.

Use fresh soil-based potting mixtures only. Peat based mixtures may burnrepparttar 151186 roots of your bulbs and soil less mixtures dry too quickly.

If putting containers outdoors, protect them from severe frosts particularly when combined with penetrating winds. Store them in a cool area like your garage or wrap with sacking or straw and cover them with plastic bags untilrepparttar 151187 weather is more tulip-friendly.

It is essential to keep tulip containers sufficiently watered. Unlike garden grown plants, those in containers cannot seek for water deeper within their environment. Dry pots result in stunted and shriveled flower heads.

Tulip Care

When tulips are done flowering, either sniprepparttar 151188 stem or deadheadrepparttar 151189 bloom. However, letrepparttar 151190 leaves die naturally. This isrepparttar 151191 timerepparttar 151192 bulb absorbsrepparttar 151193 nutrients it needs for next year’s growth. Whenrepparttar 151194 foliage becomes discolored, remove it to prevent “tulip fire”, which can poison your soil. This is also a good time to lift any tulip bulbs that you want to remove from your garden.

Lifting bulbs isn’t any more complex than digging them out ofrepparttar 151195 ground or dumping them out ofrepparttar 151196 pot. Usually each bloom produces one good-sized bulb and two smaller offshoots that can be discarded. Allow lifted bulbs to dry naturally. Then store them somewhere cool in an airy container (net produce bags and burlap bags work well) to provide good circulation until next planting time.

Tulip Problems

When tulips produce foliage but no flowers,repparttar 151197 most probable cause is damage caused by slugs or snails. Although liquid slug killers are available from most garden centers, most of them are toxic to beneficial organisms and insects in your garden as well as your pets and your family. The easiest way to deter slugs from invading your tulips is to create a barrier of lava rock or diatomaceous earth around your tulips. Both have sharp edges that kill invading pests by cutting into their skin and causing them to dry up. Another effective way to control slugs is with beer traps. Partially filled cans buried up torepparttar 151198 lip will attract and drown slugs.

Linda is an author of Gardening Tips Tricks and Howto's.  The next part of this article is available at our site

Where you can also download the whole series as a free full color e-book. Just follow the links.

Pruning Basics

Written by Donna Evans

Continued from page 1

Remove suckers. Some plants, such as glossy black chokeberries tend to send up suckers which are new shoots from whererepparttar stem meetsrepparttar 151115 root. Carefully cut outrepparttar 151116 suckers which interfere withrepparttar 151117 shape ofrepparttar 151118 plant.

Timing. Generally it is best to prune plants in late winter or early spring beforerepparttar 151119 new growth starts. However, for spring and early summer blooming shrubs and trees, such as lilacs, wait until afterrepparttar 151120 bloom and then trim. This will help you to avoid cutting offrepparttar 151121 current buds.

In pruning it is best to recognize your limitations. For tall trees or high branches you may need to call a professional arborist. Also, if you have any questions on what or when to prune make sure you do more research before getting out those clippers.

Donna Evans is co-owner of Gizmo Creations LLC, a landscape design firm located north of Brainerd, Minnesota. Gizmo Creations works with homeowners, landscape contractors and business owners to create a unique landscape that incorporates the property owner's lifestyle into their landscape. Their website,, has numerous articles on landscape design as well as sample plans.

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