All In Favor of a Revolution, Say 'AYE'!

Written by Joe Bingham

Continued from page 1

(continue cheers and fireworks, but dramatically cease drum roll)

There was that dramatic enough? Now can I have my $20, I mean $19.95?

No?! What do you mean NO?!!! Why won't you buy from me? I what? I don't really have a product? Whatrepparttar 'h-e-double Eiffel Tower Toothpicks' does that have to do with anything?!!!

(Insert sound effect of a phonograph needle being drug backwards across a record. Something like Zrrrrrrrpppp!) (It's so hard to do sound effects in email. Now I know howrepparttar 121600 writers ofrepparttar 121601 early Batman TV shows felt. POW!)

What do you mean I have to sell an actual product? This is Internet Marketing, I thought all I had to do was create a site and ask for money and it would be given to me? What has happened here?

Oh no! You don't supposerepparttar 121602 porno sites have allrepparttar 121603 OBSCENE profits locked up, andrepparttar 121604 INSANE traffic got busted for driving while intoxicated, do you?!

You don't think everyone has awakened from their HYPNOTIC trance and that my SUBLIMINAL messages are being screened out by Microsoft withrepparttar 121605 use of a special filter made from 3D glasses first used by movie patrons to watch 'The Creature Fromrepparttar 121606 Black Lagoon", do you?!

I mean, what if allrepparttar 121607 SECRET TERMS have been revealed? What if allrepparttar 121608 CATCH WORDS have holes in their nets? What if there is no BEDAZZLEMENT left?!

What if... What if... No.

What if from now on we actually have to offer something of VALUE in order to make sales?

What if our businesses have to actually provide BENEFITS to our customers?

My goodness. This could berepparttar 121609 end of Internet Marketing as we know it. This could be a significant transition time in history whenrepparttar 121610 scheme, scam, and screw type of businesses go under, andrepparttar 121611 legitimate ones rise torepparttar 121612 top.

This could be an enormous change inrepparttar 121613 way people viewrepparttar 121614 Internet and Network Marketing as a whole! This could berepparttar 121615 beginning of a revolution!

At least that's my plan.

All in favor say 'Aye'.

Joe Bingham, Editor of the NetPlay Newsletters Publish My Ezine As YOUR Own -- Easy System, Great Benefits

How to Market Your e-Business on a Shoe String Budget

Written by Herman Drost

Continued from page 1

5. Classified Ads in AOL and Yahoo a. These arerepparttar best email classifieds onrepparttar 121599 Net. Create a catchy title for your ad. You can submit up to 10 ads. Create each ad with a different heading or submit to a different category listing. b. Use a follow up auto responder to create automatic follow up messages to your responses – one follow up is hardly ever enough for repparttar 121600 Internet Marketer who is easily distracted or very busy with other things. c. Change your ad title every 24 hours, so thatrepparttar 121601 ad stays at repparttar 121602 top ofrepparttar 121603 list. d. Track all your ads, to see how many hits they each get, then changerepparttar 121604 ad until you get a winner – then you can move onto paid advertising.

6. Free Ezine Ads – here's another way to test market your ads. Submit to ezines that accept free ads in return for signing up for their ezine. Here's an example: a. Subscribe to 21 ezines of your niche market – try to go for ones that publish weekly or biweekly. b. Track each ad you submit – some will take a while to publish your ad since they already may have back log of ads to be submitted. c. Once you have found those ezines that gave a good response, then you can use them again inrepparttar 121605 future. d. Your next step will be to advertise in low cost ezines.

7. Participating in Forum Discussions – a. Find a forum where your target market visits. b. Offer friendly advice (don't advertise), ask questions, provide helpful information, most of all haverepparttar 121606 attitude of helping others, not taking – this will give you better results and you make friends as well. c. Leave an email signature atrepparttar 121607 end of each message, giving your name, title of your business, web site address, email address. Visitors torepparttar 121608 forum will know where to look, if they wish to find out more about you.

If you implement these methods on a consistent basis, you will definitely see an increase in traffic to your web site.

Herman Drost is a Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW) and owner of ( Site Design, Hosting, Promotion Author of "Marketing Tips" newsletter.

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