All Dressed Up for Sitting Down

Written by Sherri L. Dodd

Continued from page 1

American Council on Exercise decided to studyrepparttar activities of employees and their activity levels based on daily attire. The findings were relevant to expectation – an eight percent increase in caloric expenditure inrepparttar 112932 subjects that wore casual and comfortable clothing. These casually-dressed participants took more steps throughoutrepparttar 112933 day, including stairs over elevators, and subsequently, more calories were burned. This was solely based on time inrepparttar 112934 office and does not include a visit torepparttar 112935 gym. In addition, this study was conducted inrepparttar 112936 colder seasons. The researchers agree that there could be as much as a 15-20% increase in steps taken inrepparttar 112937 warmer months, which would equal a total of 23-28% increase in activity of those that dress casually to work.

Whilerepparttar 112938 studied percentage may seem insignificant, it does offsetsrepparttar 112939 nation’s average annual weight gain of .4 to 1.8 pounds. If this does not encourage you to seek out better means of your professional presentation, you may want to also consider less foot trauma andrepparttar 112940 decline of irregular inner thigh contractions from putting off that lingering urge to visitrepparttar 112941 ladies room.

Sherri Dodd is the creator and author of Mom Looks Great - The Fitness Program for Moms. She is also an ACE-certified Personal Trainer and a Lifestyle & Weight Management Consultant with over fifteen years of exercise experience. She is dedicated to a life of fitness as well as encouraging others to establish healthy habits and a better quality of life.

How To Out The Fat!

Written by Alex Sharp

Continued from page 1
Cut down onrepparttar mayo. I would suggest that you cut this completely out. I know some guys who put so much mayo on their sandwiches, I can't see how they eat them. I can't see how they can taste anything butrepparttar 112931 mayo. A good suggestion to do it, sprinkle a little of Italian dressing onrepparttar 112932 sandwich. Just enough so you can taste it. This will really cut down onrepparttar 112933 fat. Also, if you make your own, you can control how much oil is inrepparttar 112934 dressing. Cut down on bread. If you are going out to eat andrepparttar 112935 waiter drops a bread basket onrepparttar 112936 table, push it away. Don't eatrepparttar 112937 bread. The more carbs you can get away fromrepparttar 112938 better. Cut outrepparttar 112939 silly snacks. Don't fill up on potato chips between meals. Instead grab an apple or some veggie sticks. You will be amazed at how good they are once you give them a chance. I love green peppers sprinkled with a little salt. I will take these any day over potato chips. Stay away from fatty cuts of meat. Don't go torepparttar 112940 store and buyrepparttar 112941 most fatty cuts of pork you can get. Take it home and trimrepparttar 112942 fat off of it if you have to. There are tons of ways you can cook lean meat so that it isn't dry. That is why most people likerepparttar 112943 fat inrepparttar 112944 meat, it adds juice. Also with spices, you can fixrepparttar 112945 problem of not havingrepparttar 112946 flavor that fat adds. Stay away from too much dairy. No need to get full of ice cream that is full of fat. Instead if you must consume it, go forrepparttar 112947 low fat versions. Try to get flavors with a lot of fruit in them or add your own fruit. You won't noticerepparttar 112948 missing fat if you add some flavor to it. Avoid frying stuff. Learn how to bake, broil and steam your foods. You will be surprised at how much fat frying adds torepparttar 112949 dish. Sure it tastes better, but it won't help your waist any. There you have it. Those don't sound too hard do they? I'm sure after you repeat them after awhile, they will get easy to do.

If you are having trouble losing weight, please visit for further articles.

Alex Sharp is CEO of a program helping men with all issues of their health and sex lives.

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