Alien Intruders!

Written by Seamus Dolly

Continued from page 1

Another virus infects your macros (macro virus) and affectsrepparttar usability of associated files, which are usually text editors or word processing programs. Turning your macros “off” could be considered, but their benefits are lost andrepparttar 107724 virus has won, even before entry. These are harmless enough and there is no need to freak out. A free cleaning option is mentioned below.

Of course, if you can afford it, you should get an anti-virus program. Corporations, companies and anyone without financial restraint have such programs updated continuously as no-one can predict when (in real time) that some virus creator will decide to unleash his newest version. Previous virus definitions are of little use in protecting against future viruses. Such definitions describerepparttar 107725 nature (how and where infection occurs) and an engine is used to scan or locate and cleanrepparttar 107726 infected files. Givenrepparttar 107727 reproductive properties of viruses,repparttar 107728 amount of such infected files can be enormous and sometimes they are files with particular extensions. Regular domestic P.C. users should probably update their definitions weekly and there are anti –virus software manufacturers that will scan your machine for free (use your search engine) but it should be remembered thatrepparttar 107729 virus could already be in your machine at this stage. The program that you pay for can block them at all entry points and isrepparttar 107730 nearest thing to ultimate protection.

Definitive protection requires you to connect to nothing, insert or install nothing, network with no one, and perhaps swabbing your machine with an industrial disinfectant. However, I would consider such measures to be excessive and no way to live your productive life.

Seamus Dolly is a webmaster and author. His studies include A+, Net+, and Server+.

Data Backup For Beginners

Written by Niall Roche

Continued from page 1

======================================== Data loss cost US businesses in excess of 18 billion dollars in 2003. ========================================

How often should I backup my data? You should backup all important data on your PC at least once a week. An easy way to do this is to use a rotating backup system. Get 4 blank disks . Label these disks Week 1, Week 2, Week 3 and Week 4. Atrepparttar start ofrepparttar 107723 month make a fresh copy of all your critical data onrepparttar 107724 Week 1 disk and continue this process on Week 2, 3 and 4. Following this procedure ensures that no matter what happens your stored data will never be more than 1 week old and you'll also have 3 other copies of your data stored away that are less than a month old. Simple. Effective.

What software do I need? Microsoft Windows has its own backup software included. Apple Mac users can take advantage of Apples Backup software and iDisk backup service.

How soon should I do this? Now. Even using floppy disks startrepparttar 107725 process of backing up your data today. The sooner you startrepparttar 107726 safer your data is.

======================================== Human error and hardware failure account for 76% of all data loss. ========================================

The cost of recovering from a major hardware failure such as a hard disk crash can be massively reduced by keeping a backup of your data.

You're worked hard to build up your business. Don't throw all that hard work away by not takingrepparttar 107727 proper steps to safeguard your critical information.

For more information on keeping your data safe visitrepparttar 107728 Data Backup Guide on

Niall Roche is the content author & owner of which reviews and tests affiliate marketing products

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