Alcoholism Facts

Written by n/a

Continued from page 1

Alcoholism is as much about damage limitation as anything else. If you're picking up that drink and blacking out afterwards, let me, through my experience, offer some tips.

You've probably already got yourself a counsellor or doctor. They'll say don't pick up that first drink. Oh lordy, we do try to take their advice but it seems ... we just keep picking that drink up. And I don't understand it, neither do you.

You might have tried controlled drinking. To a certain extent, in my experience, this can work, butrepparttar end result isrepparttar 137851 same.

We're putting poison into our bodies. Cirrhosis ofrepparttar 137852 liver, limb amputation, brain damage, acute depression, heart attacks, behaviour out of character, suicide. These arerepparttar 137853 joyous gifts we have been granted due to a thirst we don't understand.

Along with this, alcoholism shows no respect for whom it chooses. Fromrepparttar 137854 President ofrepparttar 137855 US, torepparttar 137856 lonely housewife hiding behindrepparttar 137857 curtains, it tries to take our soul. Black, white, rich, poor.


195,000 Die Annually From Hospital Mistakes

Written by David Lear

Continued from page 1

Glycobiology is a relatively new field of science that is exploringrepparttar biochemistry of carbohydrates or sugars. In a related book, “Sugars That Heal”, Emil Mondoa, MD explains that “…even tiny amounts of these sugars - or lack of them - have profound effects. In test after test in leading institutes aroundrepparttar 137850 world, these saccharides (glyconutrients) have been shown to lower cholesterol, increase lean muscle mass, decrease body fat, increase wound healing, ease allergy symptoms and allay autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, psoriasis and diabetes.”

People who regularly take glyconutritional supplements are finding, for instance, that they experience far fewer colds and flues. Others have reported recovering from conditions such as asthma, fibromyalgia, cancer, autism, and depression.

A lot of people hearing this forrepparttar 137851 first time are very skeptical. If you're in that group but are nevertheless interested in taking a look at evidence that supports these claims, you're one step ahead of everyone else. In fact, this isrepparttar 137852 first step you can take to reclaiming your power to make decisions about you and your family's health that isn't completely dictated byrepparttar 137853 medical establishment - you know,repparttar 137854 same group responsible for 195,000 “accidental” deaths a year.

The bottom line: now you at least know about an alternative that's working for thousands of people - people who've maderepparttar 137855 decision to start thinking outsiderepparttar 137856 medical box by adding these new wellness-promoting supplements to their diet.

David Lear is an independent nutrition researcher and free-lance writer. His main interest is in supplements that improve health. For further information on the supplements referred to in this article, visit

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