Alcohol and Wedding Receptions—Everything You Will Need to Know

Written by Jean Bachcroft

Continued from page 1

Offering a sparkling white wine is also nice. If you are planning to serve champagne (Although only a sparkling white wine made inrepparttar Champagne region of France can be truly called champagne, people often refer to any bubbly by that name.), expect to pay more. A decent bottle (You will only disappointrepparttar 144468 true connoisseur, and they are a dying breed.) will cost between $10 and $12 and will serve seven to eight glasses. Even at these prices per bottle, you may want to reserve it forrepparttar 144469 toast.

Borrow or shop for a bartender’s guide (Mr. Boston Deluxe Official Bartender’s Guide, for example). For your mixologist, you might also stock such things as lemons, limes, celery, maraschino cherries, and olives. You’ll also want to have soda water, tonic water, sparkling water, coke, ginger ale, and a few other soft drinks, plus swizzle sticks and cocktail napkins, Last, but not least, remember to have an ample supply of ice (crushed and cubed) on hand.

Standard Guidelines for Consumption

Expect each guest to have four to five drinks atrepparttar 144470 reception. You’ll get twenty-five drinks from a fifth of liquor, providing you’re using a one-ounce pony to make them with one ounce of alcohol each. Using one and a half ounces of alcohol (that is, a one-and-a-half-ounce jigger), you’ll get eighteen drinks per fifth of alcohol. A single case of alcohol contains twelve bottles. Assuming that you’re using one ounce of alcohol to make every drink, then one case will yield 300 drinks.

If you would like to serve beer on tap, half a keg will yield 260 eight-ounce glasses of beer. Seven cases of beer will yieldrepparttar 144471 same amount.

With regard to unopened bottles of alcohol, don’t be too concerned about over stocking. It is better to have too much, rather than not enough. Besides, unopened bottles of alcohol can usually be returned torepparttar 144472 store.

The Law and Your Liability

Needless to say, it is againstrepparttar 144473 law to serve alcohol to anyone underrepparttar 144474 legal drinking age. The sobering fact is that courts have consistently ruled that restaurants, caterers, and hosts are financially liable when minors who are served alcohol are injured, become involved in a car accident, or breakrepparttar 144475 law.

You can also be held liable for an adult who suffers an injury, become involved in a car accident, or step outside ofrepparttar 144476 law after drinking too much in your home. Caterers and restaurants are subject torepparttar 144477 same liability.

Your best protection against legal liability involving alcohol is to plan ahead and react sensibly. If your reception is to be catered, discuss a plan of action withrepparttar 144478 caterer before hand. He or she undoubtedly will cooperate.

Avoid serving salty foods since they make people thirsty. Foods high in protein—such as meat, fish, eggs, and cheese—will help to keep your guests sober.

Once a person is drunk, it’s too late to reach forrepparttar 144479 pot of coffee. Giving your happy drunk coffee will only make him or her hyper and jittery. If you need to sober someone up, try to getrepparttar 144480 person to drink water, which will diluterepparttar 144481 alcohol in their system and flush it out.

By no means, let that person drive—no matter what they say. Instead, call for a taxi or find another driver to takerepparttar 144482 person home.

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Jean Bachcroft is a former public relations director, founder of Bachcroft and Aloha Labels, and the publisher and editor-in-chief of Town and Country Shopping Bargains Magazine. For designer wedding, holiday, and year-round mailing and return address labels, you can visit her web sites at and at For shopping bargains from around the world, visit

Writing Wedding Vows –Ideas That Will Help You Express What You Truly Feel

Written by Jean Bachcroft

Continued from page 1

And don’t confuse personal feelings with private affairs. Topics having to do with money, conception and child-rearing, politics, or in-laws should not be included in wedding vows to be overheard by your guests.

Incorporating traditional pledges

Although much of what you will write will be unique to your relationship and therefore highly personalized, you may want to include meaning parts from traditional vows that are a part of your culture.

While most ofrepparttar wording is their own, many couples continue to incorporaterepparttar 144397 familiar love, comfort, honor (though usually leaving outrepparttar 144398 "obey" part) wording into their vows.

Rehearse before your wedding day

Since this is a special occasion, you should give it all ofrepparttar 144399 time and attention it deserves. Practice reading aloud whatrepparttar 144400 two of you have written. This isrepparttar 144401 true test that what appears on paper is what you really intended to say, inrepparttar 144402 way you intended to say it. Rehearsing will also allow you to determine how long exchanging your vows will take and whether adjustments are needed. Ifrepparttar 144403 wording sounds awkward or if it is difficult to read, change it.

Don’t rely solely on your memory

A case of nerves can strike unexpectedly, and atrepparttar 144404 most inopportune time, so make sure your precious words are written down. Once you are satisfied that your wedding vows express exactly what you wanted to say to each other, it is time to finalize your draft. The final copy, preferably two or three, should be printed using a fairly large font size, which will make it easier to read.

It is a good idea to give a copy torepparttar 144405 clergyman, at least several days beforerepparttar 144406 ceremony is to take place. If a severe case of nerves does strike, it may be he who will need to read your vows.

Personalizerepparttar 144407 whole ceremony

Aim to keeprepparttar 144408 time it takes to exchange your vows between one and three minutes. To extentrepparttar 144409 feeling of a ceremony that is a celebration of your unique love, have a family member or good friend offer a carefully selected prayer or reading as part ofrepparttar 144410 ceremony. You can also choose music that is both appropriate forrepparttar 144411 occasion and especially meaningful torepparttar 144412 two of you.

Jean Bachcroft is a former public relations director, founder of Bachcroft and Aloha Labels, and the publisher and editor-in-chief of Town and Country Shopping Bargains Magazine. For designer wedding, holiday, and year-round mailing and return address labels, you can visit her web sites at and

For shopping bargains from around the world, visit

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