Alcohol Abuse: an Introduction

Written by Ryan Fyfe

Continued from page 1
and putting yourself at risks with alcohol. If you are a woman and are averaging more than 21 drinks per week, or a man averaging over 35 drinks per week, chances are you are drinking heavily and are putting yourself at great danger. Dangerous things that can happen as a result of heavy drinking are: Drinking and Driving, Fetal alcohol syndrome, change in mood’s, dependence on Alcohol, and liver problems among several other things.

If you feel that you are a heavy drinker, or that alcohol is becoming a problem in your life, you should be bold and contact a physician immediately to takerepparttar necessary steps to controlrepparttar 137785 problem before it gets out of hand. Be smart with your life andrepparttar 137786 lives of others.


Feel free to reprint this article as long as you keeprepparttar 137787 following caption and author biography in tact with all hyperlinks.

Ryan Fyfe is the owner and operator of Rehabilitation Area. Which is a great web directory and information center for Rehabilitation and related topics like Alcohol and Drugs.

Why you Should Eat Healthier

Written by Ryan Fyfe

Continued from page 1
  • Live Long! - Live Long and live strong. Making healthier food choices decreases your risk of diabetes, obesity, heart diseases and even some forms of cancer.

    We only get one life. Ask yourself how important your life is to you. Eating healthy is simple choices, that we can make every day to promote good health. Think of how much money is put into health care every year for many things which are preventable. Preventrepparttar preventable, eat well, and live long!


    Feel free to reprint this article as long as you keeprepparttar 137784 following caption and author biography in tact with all hyperlinks.

    Ryan Fyfe is the owner and operator of Diet Area. Which is a great web directory and information center on Dieting and related issues like Meal Plans and Workouts.

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