Air Moisture And Your Health

Written by Duane Johnson

Continued from page 1

Onrepparttar flip side, whenrepparttar 114451 air is too dry people can be uncomfortable and can suffer from dry mucus membranes which can lead to nosebleeds and infections. Low humidity can also aggravaterepparttar 114452 symptoms of asthma at times.

A good way to track air moisture indoors is to get a digital hygrometer to actually monitorrepparttar 114453 humidity inrepparttar 114454 air. It's a simple gadget to read andrepparttar 114455 information it produces can be invaluable.

You see most people feel comfortable at 45-50% humidity between 68-72 degrees. That is consideredrepparttar 114456 optimal comfort zone. Some variance on either side ofrepparttar 114457 optimum zone is fine, but wide fluctuations can be hard on your health. Ifrepparttar 114458 humidity level falls below 30% you should turn on an air humidifier to help put moisture back. Ifrepparttar 114459 moisture level consistently rises above 60% in your home, you should employ a dehumidifier or air conditioner to reducerepparttar 114460 moisture level.

By followingrepparttar 114461 guidelines listed here you can help increase your indoors comfort level and improve your health easily and quickly.

Duane Johnson - All About Home Air Purifiers is a site that provides free information, tips, and resources for finding the best home air purifiers, commercial air purifiers, humidifiers, and dehumidifiers to help improve your health.

Change Your Attitude About Exercise

Written by Michelle May M.D.

Continued from page 1

“I’m so out of shape—I don’t even know where to begin!” Of course it is important to check with your doctor before you begin any new exercise program. Once you have been medically cleared, you have to start somewhere—so start where you are! There is no such thing as instant fitness. If you start this week by increasing your activity level, little by little, three months from now you will be leaner, stronger, more energetic, and healthier. If you choose not to start, then don’t be surprised if you are exactlyrepparttar same as you are today! What are your other negative thoughts and attitudes about exercise? Can you counter them in a positive way? Develop positive statements about activity and repeat them often to yourself. For instance, instead of saying, “exercise is boring”, say, “being active gives merepparttar 114450 opportunity to relieve stress and feel better.” Repeat affirmations like “I can feel myself becoming healthier and more energetic”, “It feels so good to move my muscles!” and “I can do it!” Start thinking of your self as an active, healthy person—and you will become one!

Michelle May, M.D. is a practicing Board Certified Family Physician with expertise in the cognitive-behavioral aspects of weight management. She is the author of Am I Hungry? What To Do When Diets Don’t Work in collaboration with a Registered Dietitian and Psychologist. Visit her website for ideas on managing weight without dieting.

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