Aikido: Sensei Derek Eastman Biography - Part One

Written by Derek Eastman Co-Author of the new book Positive Aikido

Continued from page 1

Q -DW: What were your responsibilities or duties as an assistant ?

A -SE: I wasrepparttar only junior assistant at that time. I was also used by allrepparttar 132894 other instructors which was hard for me but also gave me a wider experience. I didn't like being used by David Williams who was Sensei Ken Williams brother. David didn't haverepparttar 132895 same understanding of Budo as his brother, and I always felt that he had a very cruel streak to his nature that went beyond strict discipline. It was also my responsibility to openrepparttar 132896 dojo on Sunday mornings ready for allrepparttar 132897 high grades. Inrepparttar 132898 winter I would have to light three paraffin heaters, two of which were inrepparttar 132899 changing room. While they were warming up I would then sweeprepparttar 132900 frost offrepparttar 132901 tatami. I recall one winters Sunday morning I arrived early and a few minutes later Sensei Ellis arrived. He said " Derek, you sweeprepparttar 132902 mat and I will lightrepparttar 132903 fires for you" I was pleased about that, after a little while Sensei Ellis came out ofrepparttar 132904 changing room shuttingrepparttar 132905 door behind him and said " keep that door shut Derek it will help to warm those damp gi's" (training suits). Well, allrepparttar 132906 students and teachers left their gi's hanging fromrepparttar 132907 ceiling beams. It was freezing so Sensei and I started to practice to try to warm up, then about 30 min later John Caldwell and some students arrived. As they openedrepparttar 132908 changing room doorrepparttar 132909 smoke just billowed out. Everyone was coughing and choking, we thoughtrepparttar 132910 place was on fire. It wasn't a fire, but Sensei Ellis had not trimmedrepparttar 132911 heater wicks. This then causedrepparttar 132912 fire to billow out allrepparttar 132913 smoke and smuts,repparttar 132914 gi's were ruined. Sensei Williams then arrived and demanded to know who was responsible; he looked straight at Sensei Ellis who without a word looked at me and pointed his finger in my direction. After a few harsh words Sensei Williams made me do 200 press ups onrepparttar 132915 backs of my wrists as punishment. Some were demanding new gi's and others wanted to take their own punishment. It was a while before I was forgiven.

Q -DW: It sounds tough being an assistant, surely there must have been some advantages to be had?

A -SE: As an assistant I did not have to pay a mat fee and trained almost every day. This was a big advantage as I was an apprentice engineer and did not earn much money. I also went on withrepparttar 132916 Judo and Karate classes. I also trained with Sensei Tomio Otani and I would be uke for allrepparttar 132917 dan grades atrepparttar 132918 HUT.

I Don't Like Walking!

Q -DW: Were there any other assistants or were yourepparttar 132919 only one?

A-DE: For about 9 months I wasrepparttar 132920 only one, and then Ken Waite became assistant torepparttar 132921 Karate teachers. Harada Sensei was impressed with Ken and later made him his own personal assistant. Then a very young judoka called Trevor Jones joinedrepparttar 132922 Aikido section, he was a most talented student with immense natural ability, he was soon promoted to junior assistant to Sensei K Williams and Trevor and I sharedrepparttar 132923 dojo responsibilities together and we became very good friends. Trevor had a big problem , he had a bad habit of upsetting Sensei Ellis, and there were many times that Sensei had to sort him out and on several occasions when Trevor complained about Sensei Ellis's driving. Sensei would stoprepparttar 132924 car and throw him out no matter where we were. He did drive too fast but I never complained as I don't like walking.

Lady Baden Powell almost Faints.

Q -DW: I know Sensei Ellis and Sensei Foster travelled a great deal with Sensei Williams, did you get to travel and visit other dojos ?

A -SE: I did get to travel but not onrepparttar 132925 scale of Sensei Ellis and Williams. Sensei Williams had just made Sensei Ellis responsible for carrying out displays on his own and I took part inrepparttar 132926 first one at West Drayton. We did so many overrepparttar 132927 years yet there are two that are most memorable, I know this story is told in Sensei Ellis article in "Fighting Arts International" magazine. Abbe Sensei told us that this display was so very important as Lady Baden Powell andrepparttar 132928 Japanese ambassador were inrepparttar 132929 audience, and it was hoped that Lady Baden Powell would promote martial arts within her youth foundation groups internationally. Sensei Ellis was standing back stage nearrepparttar 132930 Japanese ambassador and Sensei Otani when he thought that a Judo man had insulted Sensei Otani. There was an altercation betweenrepparttar 132931 Judo man and Sensei Ellis, I am not sure what happened out of site butrepparttar 132932 Judo man did not go on stage next as he should have. Suddenly we heardrepparttar 132933 announcement and introduction of " Sensei Harry Ellis assistant National Coach" being called out. We rushed ontorepparttar 132934 stage and as I was thrown inrepparttar 132935 first technique my cigarettes and matches fell fromrepparttar 132936 folds of my gi. Sensei went mad and immediately smashed me into, and aroundrepparttar 132937 mat. His aggression demanded a response, I also got angry and fought back, every attack was for real. I tried real hard to get him withrepparttar 132938 club without success. Then when it came to knife, I really thought I had him whenrepparttar 132939 knife went deep intorepparttar 132940 folds of his gi. Sensei gasped but still took me down in immobilization, as he released me and I lifted my head offrepparttar 132941 mat Lady Baden Powell was looking straight at me with horror all over her face. I just knew there and then that we had blown it. Lady Baden Powell said to Abbe Sensei " That wasrepparttar 132942 most horrific display of violence I have ever witnessed, and not for my girls".. Continued in Part Two:

Derek Eastman began his Aikido career in 1958 as a sixteen year old special student at the famous Hut Dojo London UK. He was a direct student of the legendary master Kenshiro Abbe Sensei.

Is Aikido a Martial Art ? Part Two

Written by Henry Ellis

Continued from page 1

Lets Dance

The most important of allrepparttar changes that have taken place inrepparttar 132893 past 46 years have to berepparttar 132894 changes in technique and its application,repparttar 132895 early style of Aikido was very compact and powerful. Fromrepparttar 132896 day of its introduction torepparttar 132897 UK, Aikido was always taught as a circular moving Martial Art with Tori atrepparttar 132898 centre of all movement. As Uke (the attacker) made his attack, Tori would turn within his own circle making it possible to carry outrepparttar 132899 technique in a very small area of maybe four square feet. Todayrepparttar 132900 fantasy aikidoist need a football pitch. I have seen some so called "masters" twirling Uke around onrepparttar 132901 end of one finger and pirouetting several times before being thrownrepparttar 132902 full length ofrepparttar 132903 mat.


Kenshiro Abbe Sensei always taught that Uke would only "go" ifrepparttar 132904 technique was effective. I often hear and have seen some of these people who say they can throw an opponent without touching them and sometimes by breathing and projecting their "Ki". You cannot do that if someone is attacking on balance, I have never seen anyone do that to a student of mine. Of course if you do attack on balance you will then be accused of "Not harmonizing".

Aikido for real

I have read various accounts ofrepparttar 132905 first Americans to practice Aikido inrepparttar 132906 early 60's. There were Americans practicing Aikido inrepparttar 132907 UK inrepparttar 132908 late 1950's at "The Hut" The Abbe School of Budo. The Americans were members ofrepparttar 132909 USAF stationed inrepparttar 132910 UK. they were always questioning " How would that work inrepparttar 132911 street?" and we would often finish up inrepparttar 132912 car park of The Hut after class and engage in some real Aikido. Afterwards everyone would be in good spirits and have a few beers.

Sunday mornings were alwaysrepparttar 132913 best practice sessions withrepparttar 132914 dojo doors being locked to all butrepparttar 132915 Dan grades. It was then thatrepparttar 132916 Dan grades would fight each other for real. This wasrepparttar 132917 only way to truly evaluate your technique. On one occasion I was fighting with Sensei Ken Williams (The British National Coach) he hit me hard and I went down clutching my chest and moaning loudly in agony. It was known that I didn't go down and I never made a fuss, so now everyone was concerned for me and as Sensei Williams leaned over me asking "Harry, are you OK" I lashed out with my fist at his head, just making a glancing contact, he then stepped back and kicked me inrepparttar 132918 head putting an end to my cunning.

The smallest of allrepparttar 132919 Dan grades was Eric Dollimore, he was only about 5ft-6in in height and around 130 lbs. I always felt that Eric was avoiding me on these Sunday morning sessions, as he was about to leaverepparttar 132920 mat I said to him "Eric, would you like to try against me" he just turned and said "Sorry Harry, I have to be at my girlfriends home for lunch". As he leftrepparttar 132921 mat I smiled to myself and thought "That's what I expected"repparttar 132922 smugness did not last long as I heard a voice behind me say "OK then Harry, can we make it quick as I must get away". It was Eric; for a moment I was surprised then I thought to myself if you want it quick I will accommodate you. I moved in to take him out withrepparttar 132923 one punch andrepparttar 132924 next thing I knew I had gone throughrepparttar 132925 dojo office partition wall and I was still lying stunnedrepparttar 132926 office floor when I heard Eric's voice call out "See you Monday Harry, gotta go". That was a very important lesson to me, I have never underestimated anyone sincerepparttar 132927 little guy taught me a lesson.

The Grading Lottery

If inrepparttar 132928 1950's and 60's you saw a 5th or 6th Dan you would be in awe of him. I now see so many multi grades and to be honest they would not be graded first Dan inrepparttar 132929 old days. They make these claims knowing that if they are ever challenged and prove their mettle they know they can claim that this is againstrepparttar 132930 principals of Aikido. Another favourite of these people is to juggle around with their grades and come up with multiples of matching grades, for a prime example of this abuse check outrepparttar 132931 article "British Aikido-The Controversy" onrepparttar 132932 web-site

Mitsusuke Harada Sensei "5th Dan" Harada Sensei was my Karate teacher inrepparttar 132933 1960's, he was then and still is a 5th Dan atrepparttar 132934 Shotokan dojo in Tokyo. he was graded byrepparttar 132935 founder of modern day Karate Gichin Funakoshi Sensei. He taught Karate torepparttar 132936 USAF atrepparttar 132937 Kodokan dojo afterrepparttar 132938 second world war. He was graded 5th Dan by Funakoshi Sensei in 1957 and is still 5th Dan after 45 years, stating that "Any grade above 5th Dan is totally pointless". This is exactlyrepparttar 132939 feeling of Sensei Derek Eastman and myself, although we are two ofrepparttar 132940 only remaining four ofrepparttar 132941 original group left of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei's group fromrepparttar 132942 1950's, we both agreed that there were too many "Harry Potter" grades around, we then decided that like Harada Sensei we would make 5th Danrepparttar 132943 highest level in our organization.

Serious study

I will take a break now that these articles are complete and do some serious "Toe breathing". This will be my last article for CyberKwoon for a while, I would like to thank Master Fabien Sena for allowing me to air my views on a subject most would try to avoid. I do not know what directionrepparttar 132944 Martial Arts will take when allrepparttar 132945 "Old Timers " are gone.

As one ofrepparttar 132946 comments (torepparttar 132947 Cyberkwoon site forum) said "We can still make a difference".

Torepparttar 132948 one who asked after my father, he was not a martial artist, just a hard man who started working atrepparttar 132949 age of 13 years two miles underground inrepparttar 132950 South Yorkshire coal mines.

Sensei Henry Ellis.

Henry Ellis Co-Author new book Positive Aikido.

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