Affordable Renewable Energy for Everyone

Written by Debra Lynn Dadd

Continued from page 1

These certificates are available onrepparttar internet, but not widely known. Green energy certificates are currently being marketed to big businesses that use a lot of energy and can make a big impact with their purchase, but anyone can buy them.

I recently purchased renewable energy certificates to offsetrepparttar 110079 electricty I use in my own home and home office. Though my purchase is only 15 MWh per year for my 1500 square foot house, every little bit helps establishrepparttar 110080 market for renewable energy. It preventsrepparttar 110081 emissions of 20,700 pounds of carbon dioxide annually, equivalent to planting 1,500 trees or removing 2 cars fromrepparttar 110082 road for one year. I pay only $40 a month (in addition to my regular energy bill) for solar, and other renewables cost even less.

For more information on renewable energy certificates, including a list of websites that offer them, visit

The Environmental Protection Agency’s Green Power Partnership has recognized consumer advocate Debra Lynn Dadd for her purchase of 100% solar renewable energy certificates for her Florida home office. She is the author of Home Safe Home (Tarcher/Penguin), publishes free email newsletters, and has posted links to 1000s of green products at

Finnish Cottage Tradition

Written by S. Nicole Thomas

Continued from page 1

Inside walls were often chinked with clay or cloth. Most floors were simply beaten earth, although some cabins had floors of puncheons--logs split lengthwise and laid close together withrepparttar flat sides up. A family often built a sleeping loft ifrepparttar 110078 roof were high enough. The loft could be reached by pegs pounded intorepparttar 110079 walls or by a ladder built from tree limbs. The loft also was used to store foodstuffs.

Log cabins were never meant to be permanent, but many log houses were. The difference betweenrepparttar 110080 two was primarily one of size and attention to detail. Most pioneers preferred "flat" walls to rounded log walls, and so most used hewn logs for building. These not only maderepparttar 110081 houses look (from a distance) more "real," but also withstoodrepparttar 110082 elements much better, sincerepparttar 110083 bark andrepparttar 110084 decay-prone outside wood were removed fromrepparttar 110085 logs. When milled lumber became available either from a local sawmill or by railroad transport, most people chose it for their homes.

It seemed that asrepparttar 110086 frontier disappeared, so wouldrepparttar 110087 log cabin. However, at aboutrepparttar 110088 same timerepparttar 110089 Finnish homesteaders were, of necessity, building their first homes of logs, Easterners were rediscoveringrepparttar 110090 log structure. William A. Durant, land developer and president ofrepparttar 110091 Adirondack Railroad, pushedrepparttar 110092 idea of Great Camps inrepparttar 110093 Adirondacks. These camps were enclaves whererepparttar 110094 very wealthy could escaperepparttar 110095 summer heat ofrepparttar 110096 cities and retreat torepparttar 110097 "simple life" of log-cabin living inrepparttar 110098 country. Such "cabins" were hardly simple. Designed by architects, they were huge structures with many rooms and fireplaces and porches. But their log exteriors recalledrepparttar 110099 "good old days". National park structures also fueledrepparttar 110100 revival of log cabin living. Many park lodges were made of logs so they would fit their surroundings. The Old Faithful Inn at Yellowstone National Park is a prime example. Built in 1904,repparttar 110101 inn has an eight-story lobby some 185 feet high. There are 140 guest rooms and three sets of balconies.

Another factor that keptrepparttar 110102 tradition of log building alive wasrepparttar 110103 Great Depression ofrepparttar 110104 1930s. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) worked withrepparttar 110105 National Park Service andrepparttar 110106 U.S. Forest Service to build thousands of log structures throughoutrepparttar 110107 national forests and parks. Had it not been for theserepparttar 110108 log cabin might have disappeared, but because people sawrepparttar 110109 log structures and liked what they saw, many began to build modern log cabins and log houses. These homes seemed to represent all that a family could want: a sturdy shelter fromrepparttar 110110 elements and a simple, self-sufficient lifestyle. The log cabin remains a popular building style.

S. Nicole Thomas is a worldwide traveler among other things. Lived in Finland for over three years and has started to write about finnish saunas and the great land of finland. Visit for more information!

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