Affiliate Programs and picking the best one!

Written by Sara Bonnet

Continued from page 1

5. Incentives. Doesrepparttar program offer free gifts, tools and advertising content (banners, pop-ups, email letters, articles etc.) It is important to have marketing tools to keep track of business and change things that may not work for you. Advertising is also important your traffic won’t come from no where, And gifts are a good bonus for your customers as well as learning fromrepparttar 145064 gifts yourself. Usuallyrepparttar 145065 gifts are products to help you with your business.

6. Monthly Reports. Every good program will have news and training updates sent to your inbox so you can learn what works best forrepparttar 145066 program and whatrepparttar 145067 top affiliates ofrepparttar 145068 program are doing. You should also be able to read this on their website.

7. Reviews. Sometimes you will find thatrepparttar 145069 program you are looking at has reviews inrepparttar 145070 search engines. All you have to do is enterrepparttar 145071 name ofrepparttar 145072 program inrepparttar 145073 search engine form followed by “reviews”. For example if you want to read about Strong Future International (SFI) you would type “Strong Future International Reviews” and click ‘search’. Select any item that describes what you are looking for, and read what people think.

It is important to do your homework before you dive into anything. Learn as much as you and make sure you feel comfortable with your decision before going ahead. Remember that you will not make money overnight……..Some ofrepparttar 145074 best affiliates spent 3 years or more promoting before they got where they are today.

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What's A Niche and Can I Find One Too?

Written by By Vickie J. Scanlon

Continued from page 1

2. Commission -- $40 to $50.

3. Extremely high EPC.

4. Partner through DentalPlans private network -- Your affiliate manager will answer any questions you may have --- one on one assistance.

5. You can promote on-line or off-line or both.

 6. Full 365-day cookie. (If you go through DentalPlans program)

7. Paid monthly.

8. They work with affiliates more closely -- will create custom creatives such as: landing pages, banners, pop-unders, emails, editable templates to fit on your website.

9. Free Web templates (standard and editable), banners, affiliate links

10. On-line tracking of stats 11. Multi-tier possibilities (Need to ask about it)

This is what I or any affiliate is looking for in a program! If you would like to join, you can go to my website at or if you would like to look at one of their editable website's go to and look around.

Anyway, I found my niche -- it compliments my affiliate website.

So yes, you can find your small corner ofrepparttar Internet and find a niche product. But always remember -- even though this may have seemed difficult -- your chore is not over -- you must market, market and market.

To you success.

Vickie J. Scanlon

Vickie J Scanlon has a BBA degree in Administrative Management and Marketing. Visit her site at: for

free tools, articles, ebooks, how to info, and computer software/hardware – to meet your budget and needs.

Vickie J Scanlon has a BBA degree in Administrative Management and Marketing. Visit her site at: for free tools, articles, ebooks, how to info, and computer software/hardware – to meet your budget and needs.

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