Affiliate Marketing – My Best Decision

Written by Elizabeth McGee

Continued from page 1

Next, research web businesses that sell crystal and offer affiliate programs. I recommend using Commission Junction or Linkshare. Keep in mind thatrepparttar sites you select can sell other things, however you’re focusing on just crystal. Find several sites and apply to them all. Most affiliate programs are free. A note torepparttar 102345 wise, be sure to readrepparttar 102346 affiliate agreements and understand their rules. They are not allrepparttar 102347 same.

Once you’ve signed up forrepparttar 102348 programs of your choice, pay per click (PPC) search engines arerepparttar 102349 best and easiest way to sell your affiliate products. You can promote each product individually or you can promote them all by building a website and promoting your website. Again, be sure to readrepparttar 102350 agreements as some affiliate programs restrict affiliates offering their competition onrepparttar 102351 same website. This isn’t true for all of them but you want to stay aware.

To get started you’ll need to set up accounts with PPC search engines such as Google, Overture and Findwhat. Research how they work and set up some simple ad campaigns to start. You will also need to research keywords and what words costrepparttar 102352 least and arerepparttar 102353 most effective. This is a topic for another article, however time spent and proper research tools such as Overture’s view bids and search term suggestion tools will help keep your costs low and your profits high. Byrepparttar 102354 way, use each ofrepparttar 102355 keyword tools provided by each PPC search engine; this will help guide you as to what keywords to use. Keywords entered by users can differ from search engine to search engine.

If you choose to build a website, keep your sight on topic. Getting back to our crystal example, keep your site focused on crystal or glassware, don’t throw in pictures or garden chairs. The worst mistake you can make is being everything to everyone. I know; I’ve made that mistake.

Offer information such as types of types of crystal, how it’s made, textures, weight, where it’s made, history of crystal, etc. Concentrate on offering information. If you give people valuable information on something they’re more likely to buy it.

Of course crystal is just an example; you can applyrepparttar 102356 same principles to sofas, bicycles, computers, toys or whatever you might take pleasure in. Give it some quality thought, research carefully and take your time. If it’s something you enjoy, you’ll enjoy your business.

Elizabeth McGee is the owner of Pro-Marketing-Online, the Expert Marketing Tools site. If you wish to learn more about how to market online from the experts and find expert, trusted tools for promoting your site then please visit Pro-Marketing-Online or subscribe to her newsletter found at or email Elizabeth at

8 Reasons Why Affiliate Marketing Is the Holy Grail Of E-Commerce

Written by Richard Adams

Continued from page 1

5) Thinking Outside The Box

So many e-commerce businesses depend hugely on their own affiliate network to drive traffic and sales. It's a reasonably easy and hassle-free way to make profits.

Unfortunately as an affiliate marketer you don't have that luxury.

But it's actually to your advantage.

You see without that fallback you are forced to think outsiderepparttar box to generate traffic.

Instead you need to find, test and develop other techniques which stand you in good stead forrepparttar 102344 future.

Not only does it make you more creative and resourceful in general, but if and when you eventually launch a non- affiliate marketing site you'll already know how to generate an avalanche of traffic *ontop* of what your affiliates bring you.

And more traffic equals more sales.

6) He Who Has The Traffic Has The Power

Once you develop your traffic streams and your subscriber list you become a very sought after commodity.

Other businesses seek you out, eager to sign you up as an affiliate of theirs.

And as your success grows, you developrepparttar 102345 ability to cherry pick onlyrepparttar 102346 most profitable deals for yourself - and often command higher commission rates than others get.

Do *not* underestimate what it can be like to be in this situation. An example is that one of my merchant partners sent me an extra $250 last Christmas just to say thanks for sending them so many sales that year!

7) You're The Perfect Affiliate Manager

If and when you decide to create your own product and set up your own affiliate program as part of your marketing strategy you have a distinct advantage over your competitors - you'll already knowrepparttar 102347 best affiliate marketing techniques.

And this knowledge will prove priceless in terms of helping your own affiliates promote you effectively.

8) Great Community

By becoming an affiliate marketer you will be joining a great community of like-minded individuals from aroundrepparttar 102348 world.

A combination of quality newsletters and discussion forums run by real pros means it's a great community to be a part of.

So there you have it - my eight reasons to become an affiliate marketer today - so what are you waiting for?!

**Note To Editors** - I really have done everything I can think of to make our new affiliate program a winning proposition for you. Feel free to sign up forrepparttar 102349 program and insert your own affiliate link inrepparttar 102350 resource box to earn extra cash.

============================================================ Richard Adams is the author of Ebook Sales Assistant. How to create an ebook sales site - on a tight budget, with no technical knowledge and in a matter of days. What's more, the book has a *killer* affiliate program. Click Here Now => ============================================================

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