Affiliate Marketing - Ten Excellent Reasons Why You Should Do It

Written by Elaine Currie

Continued from page 1

6. On sale everywhere - Your sales area has no geographic limits but you don't have to leave home. You can promote your web site worldwide, every Internet user inrepparttar whole world is potentially your customer (and you call this a small business!).

7. High income potential -With your own affiliate business your income level is limited only by your desire and effort - not by corporate salary scale structure orrepparttar 100207 whim of your boss.

8. No inventory to carry - You can sell any item, large or small without having to worry about storage space. You could sell trucks from a one-bedroom apartment! You don't have torepparttar 100208 worry or expense of insuring stock or having extra security to protect it.

9. Low running costs - Apart from a modest budget for advertising and a small amount to pay for your internet connection, you have nothing much inrepparttar 100209 way of overheads. You work from home, sorepparttar 100210 big expense of renting premises is avoided and it is possible to get income tax reductions to cover some things such as part of your electricity and phone bills.

10.Always open for business - As an affiliate, your business keeps running and pulling in profits for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even on Bank Holidays. You are open for business even while you are asleep. You don't have to worry about business hours or delivery deadlines, all that proceeds on autopilot. You don't have to worry about scheduling staff holidays: you don't even need any staff!

This is one of a series of articles published by the author, Elaine Currie, BA(Hons) at Subscribe to Online Profit newsletter by 100’s of free tips and advice on working online

Niche Based Pay Per Click Advertising Should Be Your First Priority

Written by George You

Continued from page 1
their message across torepparttar right people. Whenrepparttar 100206 right people hererepparttar 100207 message, thenrepparttar 100208 company saves money on their advertising costs. Traditional advertising would send out a message on hair growth for men to 100 people in whichrepparttar 100209 message might only apply to 8 people inrepparttar 100210 audience. We have such a tremendous vehicle in advertising through pay per click search engines.

Small companies have taken it one stop further and have decided to offer niche-market pay per click search engines. This is an even more targeted audience. Instead of placing your pay per click ad on a general search engine, an advertiser can now place their home based business ad on a home based business search engine.

President and CEO of, niche market Business Opportunity search engine and directory.

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