Affiliate Marketing--Huh?

Written by Vickie J. Scanlon

Continued from page 1

Research, curiosity and learning -- my strengths and my driving assets. My creation -- "My Affiliate Place", was born. It would be a place where an affiliate marketer or a want-to-be affiliate marketer could find information, articles, and free tools.

So, I say to you, if I can find my hidden passion, you can too.

Onward and upward --with my passion defined, I needed a web site.

Web site! Do I need one?

Many people say you can do affiliate marketing without a web site -- however, with a website you can promote more than one product and reach a greater number of people withrepparttar same interests. And last but not least, marketing isrepparttar 102227 act of connecting with people -- and onrepparttar 102228 internet -- a web site is your vehicle.

Web Site Is Built. Now What!

Now that your web site is built, you will need to beginrepparttar 102229 promotion process. There are many avenues in which you can venture. To name a few:

1. safelists 2. ezines 3. classified ads 4. writing articles 5. Off-line advertising -- brochures, flyers 6. Search engine optimization -- To get help in this area, go to my web site at: -- to begin your optimization process.

As you can see, advertising is only limited by your own imagination.

To conclude, affiliate marketing is a viable way to begin your journey onrepparttar 102230 internet and to your own business. But as you know, with anything that is worth having, you must work diligiently and passionately, and continue to grow and learn -- if success is to be yours.

To your success.

Vickie J Scanlon has a BBA degree in Administrative Management and Marketing. She left the corporate world as an Reports Programmer, to begin her journey as an Internet marketer. Visit her site at: for free tools, articles, ebooks, and how to info.

Affiliate Programs : Golden Opportunity or Waste of Time?

Written by Steven O. Ng

Continued from page 1

As they say, "No pain, no gain". Having your own store pays very well, but requires a substantial time investment from you.

Onrepparttar other hand, if you sign up for an affiliate program, all you need to do is set up a website to promoterepparttar 102226 program. Allrepparttar 102227 ads, banners, marketing text etc will be provided to you byrepparttar 102228 affiliate program. Your only responsibilities would be to get people to visit your website, and hopefully click onrepparttar 102229 affiliate links to buyrepparttar 102230 products that you are promoting.


Whether you have your own business or are promoting an affiliate program,repparttar 102231 bottom line isrepparttar 102232 conversion rate, orrepparttar 102233 percentage of visitors that actually buy something from you. A number of factors influence this conversion rate. Factors as quality ofrepparttar 102234 product, quality ofrepparttar 102235 website, customer support are all important. However, I personally believe thatrepparttar 102236 most important factor is trust.

When a potential customer arrives at your website, he will need to trust your site enough for him to be willing to buy from you. After all, onrepparttar 102237 internet you are just a faceless salesman. He doesn't know who is actually runningrepparttar 102238 site and whether he will actually getrepparttar 102239 goods that he orders.

Having said that, one ofrepparttar 102240 key methods of garnering trust is by recommendation and referral. If a store is being referred to or recommended by another website,repparttar 102241 potential customer will feel thatrepparttar 102242 store is trustworthy. After all, ifrepparttar 102243 store is not trustworthy, why wouldrepparttar 102244 other website recommend it?

This is where affiliate programs shine. When you refer a potential customer torepparttar 102245 store for which you are an affiliate,repparttar 102246 customer will feel more relieved, sincerepparttar 102247 store is being recommended by your site, a 3rd party. The customer will be more likely to buy fromrepparttar 102248 store, benefiting bothrepparttar 102249 store, and you as well.

There are both pros and cons to joining an affiliate program. You might earn less with an affiliate program compared to starting your own store, but I believerepparttar 102250 benefits of not having to be responsible forrepparttar 102251 logistics makes affiliate programs are very viable "passive" source of income.

For more information on affiliate programs, do visit

Steven is the webmaster of - Your Guide To Internet Business. His website contains various resources on affiliate programs and internet marketing advice to help you succeed in your internet business.

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