Affiliate Marketing: Another Way to Win

Written by Jude Wright

Continued from page 1

Create page two. This page will describerepparttar affiliate program for this product and will have a link torepparttar 102311 affiliate program sign-up page forrepparttar 102312 affiliate program product.

Now, promote this page - your product's affiliate program. An affiliate marketer will sign up for this affiliate program under your affiliate ID. And he or she will make sales. If you can get many "good" affiliates, ones who work hard to promoterepparttar 102313 product, you will make more on commissions that by actually sellingrepparttar 102314 product yourself.

Another thing to think about is that you could receive residual income from your affiliates. Even if an affiliate stops promoting your affiliate product, it is likely he or she has written articles using their affiliate ID inrepparttar 102315 resource box for that article. Whenrepparttar 102316 article has been submitted to numerous article directory sites, and used by other websites in ezines or as website content, that affiliate ID will still be active. So, you win again!

Also, it will be easier to sign up new affiliates to your affiliate program than it will be to sellrepparttar 102317 product. Why? Becauserepparttar 102318 affiliate marketer is motivated to make money. Andrepparttar 102319 more money he makes for himself,repparttar 102320 more money he makes for you! This is a good thing!

So, don't only think of affiliate marketing websites as content sites. Keep an open mind. Find new ways to promote your affiliate programs - and your affiliate program's affiliate program - to get even more choices for your multiple streams of income.

----------------------------------------------------- Jude Wright has been an Internet Marketer for three years. She has just created a product that will help other Internet Marketers keep all their marketing information in one database. Check it out at:


Written by Susan Prince

Continued from page 1

Writing a ad.

When you write a ad it should always be personal,put yourself inrepparttar customers shoes and addressrepparttar 102310 customers needs,desires,fears and hopes.Showrepparttar 102311 customer how your product or service will benefit and satisfy their needs.Rememberrepparttar 102312 golden rules when writing that ad.

ATTENTION Capturerepparttar 102313 customer attention INTEREST Keeprepparttar 102314 customers interest DESIRE Makerepparttar 102315 customer want or need your product or service ACTION Encouragerepparttar 102316 customer to take action.E.G Order

Pay attention to any ads that you read.Take notice ofrepparttar 102317 ones you like and dislike.Keep a copy ofrepparttar 102318 ones you like and use them as models for your own ads.

Marketing strategies

You will need to have a marketing strategie or plan in place to promote your business.Some ofrepparttar 102319 following are methods you can use

Online marketing

Search Engines Free and paid ads Viral marketing Ezines Link exchanges Email

Offline marketing

Business cards Brochures Printed ads Radio TV

Always present a professional image in all your marketing methods as you only haverepparttar 102320 one chance to make a good first impression.


While your marketing methods are gear towards attracting new customers be sure to look afterrepparttar 102321 customers you already have.Follow up with them turn them into friends and they will buy from you for years. Good luck in your marketing efforts

Allrepparttar 102322 best Sue For pratical proven business advice and tips.Subscribe to our business newsletter Subscribe at mailto:princehomebiz@getresponse

I am English and live near the city of Nottingham in the East Midland.My hobbies are my two horses and my dog.

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