Advertising on a Shoestring Budget When You Can't Afford the Shoe or the String

Written by Glenn Haertlein

Continued from page 1

Okay, so now you're surfing! You're gaining points and building exposure for your site. That's great! But guess what? It's still not enough. There's one more thing you need to do in order to getrepparttar most bang for your click.

Third, you need to build your hits-for-clicks downlines in order to get more points for your clicks. Hits-for-clicks sites thrive on getting more people to sign on. It's how they make their living. One way they do this is through referrals. As an incentive for their current customers to get them more customers, hits-for-clicks sites often give extra points for referrals. "How am I supposed to do that," you ask, "when I'm already clicking my fingers torepparttar 118357 bone?" That's where free rotators come in.

A rotator is a web device that let's you put several URLs in one place. The rotator then takes those URLs and rotates them. In other words, whenrepparttar 118358 user happens upon your rotator address, he or she will see one of several sites you have entered. Let me illustrate. Let's say I have a free web rotator that I signed up for at pageswirl. I log in and I put in several sites:

Whenrepparttar 118359 user goes to my rotator site, he or she will see one of these sites. They will come up at random and I can weightrepparttar 118360 sites. In other words, I can cause one site to be seen more often thanrepparttar 118361 others.

"Okay. So how does that help me?" you ask. With a free rotator, you can inputrepparttar 118362 referral links for your hits-for-clicks sites along withrepparttar 118363 main site you're using to promote your business. Enterrepparttar 118364 free rotator URL into your hits-for-clicks sites. Make sure that your particular hits-for-clicks allowsrepparttar 118365 use of rotators. Many do. Some do not. And some only accept rotators from certain providers. (For example, Profit Charger Hits only accepts Pageswirl rotators.) Withrepparttar 118366 free rotator installed, you're getting referrals, building your clicks-for-hits downline, gaining more browsing points, and getting more exposure for your site. And what's nice about all of this is that you don't have to pay a dime!

When it comes right down to it,repparttar 118367 sites that advertiserepparttar 118368 most, getrepparttar 118369 most hits and haverepparttar 118370 potential to makerepparttar 118371 most money. And with hits-for-clicks sites even people with little or no advertising budget can getrepparttar 118372 word out. So why are you still here? Get out there and start surfing!

Glenn Haertlein is the webmaster of Everyman's Computer Page (, a history teacher and a freelance writer.

Guide to Internet Business - Design and Content

Written by Steven O. Ng

Continued from page 1

d) Content

When a typical user surfsrepparttar internet, they are generally looking for information. So to make your site useful and attract visitors, you will need to fill it with good content and information.

If you are not sure what type of content to fill your website with, explore your competitors' websites, and try to get a feel of what type content works and what doesn't. Pretend to be a potential customer, and see what parts of your competitors' websites appeal to you, then base your own website on similar themes.

However, do not copy content from other websites: that's called plagiarism. Try to fill your website with unique content based on your own knowledge and experience. Visitors will find that you are an expert inrepparttar 118356 subject and feel more trusting and inclined to buy from you.

e) Keyphrase Optimization

This step ofrepparttar 118357 process is targeted to bring more visitors to your website via search engines. When users searchrepparttar 118358 web for information, they will most likely do so at one ofrepparttar 118359 many search engines around, such as Google, MSN, or Yahoo. When searching, they will enter certain keywords or keyphrases intorepparttar 118360 search engines to find what they are looking for.

One ofrepparttar 118361 methods to getting your website more visible inrepparttar 118362 search engines is to optimize it forrepparttar 118363 keyphrases that visitors usually search for. Wordtracker is a very useful tool to learn which arerepparttar 118364 more popular keyphrases in your industry, and which ones have very little competition from other similar websites.

Once you know which keyphrases are good for your website, you can then optimizerepparttar 118365 website. With your content ready and separated intorepparttar 118366 relevant pages and sections on your website, it is recommended that you optimize each page for one or two relevant keyphrases. You can do so by repeatingrepparttar 118367 keyphrases throughoutrepparttar 118368 page (but don't overdo it!). The "sweet spot" of how many repetitions is required, is still being discussed and analyzed by various experts; and an exact number or percentage is not known.

By optimizing each page for different keyphrases, you are "covering all your bases" to attract visitors who might use different phrases to reach you website. If you need further help on keyphrase optimization, you can check out SEOResearchLabs.

When you've finished planningrepparttar 118369 layout and design of your website, and prepared optimized content, you can proceed torepparttar 118370 third step, actually setting up your website and putting your internet business onrepparttar 118371 web, which you can find at:

Steven is the webmaster of His website contains various resources on affiliate programs and internet marketing advice to help you succeed in your internet business, including a Step-By-Step Guide to get you started.

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