Adversity to Victory

Written by Steve Brunkhorst

Continued from page 1

It paid off. Today Andy is a successful 13-year old high school student. His progress has been nothing short of phenomenal. He receives special help with a few things, but joins with his friends in allrepparttar activities he loves. Andy overcame enormous odds to move from adversity to victory.

Ask yourself: "What arerepparttar 123216 seeds of strength hidden in my struggles today? If I get back up when I fall, what will that make possible tomorrow?"

"Overnight success" isrepparttar 123217 result of years of tenacity and continued learning. Victory is possible for those who decide it's their most compelling option. They'll findrepparttar 123218 path to their dream. However, they will accept adversities as universities that will foster strength, growth, and skills to attractrepparttar 123219 victory they seek.

About The Author (C) Copyright by Steve Brunkhorst. Reprinted from Achieve! Ezine. Steve is a life success coach, and the creator of Achieve! 60-Second Nuggets of Inspiration, a popular mini-zine bringing great stories, motivational nuggets, and inspiring thoughts to help you achieve more in your career and personal life. Subscribe today by visiting Steve's site at

Fear for the Future? Don't

Written by Miami Phillips

Continued from page 1

Inrepparttar time it takes to think throughrepparttar 123215 process and create this fabricated future, fear steps into a life and plays havoc. The truly sad part is many will create that fabricated future because they already believe it. They will unconsciously make choices to bring that future to reality.

The present:The present is a daily, minute by minute gift to us fromrepparttar 123216 Universe. The present needs to be appreciated, caressed and cared for.

It is possible to break this vicious cycle of fear based on unreal projections of things that might happen..

1. Understandrepparttar 123217 process. Be aware when it is happening to you. 2. Createrepparttar 123218 future you want in your mind. (Visualization) 3. Make a plan to achieve your future. What would you have to do in order to make it reality? 4. Work your plan. 5. Measure your progress and adapt your plan. 6. Have faith in your Self andrepparttar 123219 Universal laws that will come to your aid. 7. Stay inrepparttar 123220 present moment.

Being present is a learning process. Simply being isrepparttar 123221 first step in that process. To Be who you are comfortable being, and to Do what you love to do provides a very good foundation forrepparttar 123222 strength required to eliminaterepparttar 123223 fear ofrepparttar 123224 future and to have faith inrepparttar 123225 present.

Your Coach and online friend, Miami

Miami Phillips Helping others find their path - and stay on it. Quotation ofrepparttar 123226 Week· Learn fromrepparttar 123227 past, plan forrepparttar 123228 future, and live inrepparttar 123229 present.· Duane Alan Hahn

Miami Phillips is an ANSIR Certified Personal Coach and the founder of Creative MasterMinds who believes personal growth is an essential ingredient to being happy and contributing to this world. While his main focus is affordable personal and business coaching, he also offers motivational teleclasses, ebooks, reading recommendations and much more. To find out more visit his site at or send him an email at

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