Adjusting to Small Town Living

Written by dan the roommate man

Continued from page 1

So what is a small town, according to Crampton? A small town is between 5,000 and 15,000 people, with independent social and economic bases and stand-alone economies. Forrepparttar criteria that he used to selectrepparttar 110444 best towns for living, Crampton includedrepparttar 110445 proportion of residents inrepparttar 110446 25-34 age group, people he callsrepparttar 110447 "young volunteers" and "the new recruits for local leadership." Also included in his criteria are annual growth rate; per capita income; per capita bank deposits; crime rate; available physicians; public school expenditures per pupil; and percentage of population with a bachelor's degree or higher ( an indicator of possible employment opportunities.)

Small town living is not just inrepparttar 110448 logistics, it is also a mindset. Living in a small community knits people together, explaining why some behaviors may come unraveled in a more crowded, faceless environment. Take crime, for example. Everyone knows each other in a small town, so random violence by strangers is relatively rare. Some feel so safe and comfortable that they never lock their doors. Community involvement is another benefit, with volunteerism highly encouraged. Explains Crampton, "Small towns nurturerepparttar 110449 essential first part of civilization - civility...people don't honk their horns very much in small towns."

Will you be able to adjust to less noise, pollution, traffic, crime, loneliness and pressure? Surpisingly, Crampton notes that small town life is not for everyone. It isrepparttar 110450 small town's simplicity that may makerepparttar 110451 difference. Making friends takes time. Along with less noise and hub bub is less excitement, but if you want to concentrate on family values, enjoyrepparttar 110452 sense of community, enjoy a higher standard of living in terms of affordable housing and services, and slow downrepparttar 110453 pace of your life, you are a good candidate for small town living.

Since 1989 dan the roommate man has helped 1000's of people find roommates. Need help? Contact him at 800-487-8050 or

One is the Loneliest Number ... But it Has its Advantages

Written by dan the roommate man

Continued from page 1


* Whose furnishings are you going to use? * If you supply most ofrepparttar furniture, are you expecting to be compensated? * If there is damage done to one's possessions, how willrepparttar 110443 other be compensated?


Who is going to clean what, and when?

* Is there going to be a cleaning schedule? * What happens if someone neglects their responsibility? * Are cleaning supplies going to be shared? * How are cleaning supplies going to be paid for? House fund? Individually? * If someone cleans more often, are they going to be compensated in some way?


* Are you going to be strictly roommates or friends too? (You may only discoverrepparttar 110444 answer to this question over time.) How is this going to effect your living arrangements?

Overnight visitors

* Can you have overnight guests? * How many nights is OK? * Will they be using a common bathroom? * Are they going to be sharing food?

Terms & length

* How about a no-obligation trial period of, for example, 30 days? Sixty days? * What kind of notice is required before one roommate moves out? * And put as many details in writing as you can. This will protect both of you should you have difficulties getting along.


* Discuss personal feelings on smoking, drinking, and drugs. Will these be permissible? * If so, under what conditions? * What if somebody breaksrepparttar 110445 rules? * What if friends engage in these activities?


* What will be shared, and what will be kept as personal items? * Are you going to share food? * Are separate telephones lines necessary? * Will you be cooking together or separately?

Source: Roomies Roommate Service

To determine if you'd be a model roommate or a terrible one, takerepparttar 110446 Seattle Times' roommate quiz. You'll be left with no doubt. And if you failrepparttar 110447 quiz, considerrepparttar 110448 merits of solo life.

Since 1989 dan the roommate man has helped 1000's of people find roommates. Need help? Contact him at 800-487-8050 or

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