Acne Home Remedy

Written by P. Mehta

Continued from page 1
  • Mix 1 tablespoon groundnut oil with 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice to prevent formation of blackheads and pimples .

  • Apply fresh mint juice overrepparttar face every night forrepparttar 114712 treatment of pimples, insect stings, eczema, scabies, & other skin infections.

  • Apply a paste of fresh fenugreek leaves overrepparttar 114713 face every night for 10-15 minutes and washed with warm water. This will prevent pimples, blackheads, and wrinkles.

  • Apply juice of raw papaya (includingrepparttar 114714 skin and seed) on swelling pimples.

  • Apply fresh lime juice mixed to a glass of boiled milk as a face wash for pimples.

  • Mix lime juice and rose water in equal portions. Apply on affected area. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water.

  • Apply ripe tomatoes pulp on pimples and kept up to 1 hour, then wash.

  • This article has been written by For more visitrepparttar 114715 web site home remedies for acne or pimples

    Acne Scars


    Strengthen the Immune System Naturally

    Written by Cori Young

    Continued from page 1

    ECHINACEA - Enhances lymphatic function and boosts immune system.

    GINKGO BILOBA - A powerful antioxidant which increases circulation to brain cells.

    GOLDENSEAL - An antibacterial which strengthensrepparttar immune system and cleansesrepparttar 114711 blood. (Don't take internally for more than a week at a time or if pregnant.)

    ST. JOHN'S WORT- A blood purifier useful in cases of Epstein - Barr virus and HIV.

    OLIVE LEAF - Effective against numerous viruses, bacteria and fungi. It has been used inrepparttar 114712 treatment of people with viral illnesses such as Epstein-Barr disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Herpes and AIDS.

    SPIRULINA - Aids in protectingrepparttar 114713 immune system and cleansing toxins fromrepparttar 114714 body. Though technically a nutrient, not an herb, spirulina is a naturally digestible food that helps protectrepparttar 114715 immune system and aids in mineral absorption. It helps balance blood sugar levels and supplies nutrients that helprepparttar 114716 body cleanse and heal.

    Other herbs that enhancerepparttar 114717 immune response are


    ~Herbal Formulas~

    Herbs often work best when used in combination with other herbs. There are contraindications for certain herbs if you have an auto-immune disorder. Consult a good herbal book or work with an herbalist to create a blend appropriate for your needs.


    The liver is our primary detoxifying organ and must be functioning optimally for proper immunity.

    Herbs which are useful in cleansingrepparttar 114718 liver include BLACK RADISH, DANDELION, and MILK THISTLE.

    ~Other Steps to Improved Immunity~

    Proper Nutrition

    In addition to using herbs to strengthen and balancerepparttar 114719 immune system it is important to supplyrepparttar 114720 body with adequate nutrients.

    Vitamin A Vital torepparttar 114721 body's defense system - known asrepparttar 114722 infection-fighting vitamin.

    Vitamin C Probablyrepparttar 114723 most important vitamin torepparttar 114724 immune system. It has a direct effect on bacteria and viruses and is needed for forming adrenal hormones and lymphocytes.

    Vitamin E Works synergystically with vitamins A & C as wellrepparttar 114725 mineral selenium as a scavenger of toxic free-radicals.

    Zinc Promotes healing of wounds and boosts immune response.

    Germanium A trace element which benefitsrepparttar 114726 immune system.

    Get sufficient sleep.

    Don't Smoke

    Excercise Regularly

    Reduce Stress and Anxiety.

    Stress triggers changes in biochemistry that suppress white blood cell activity and taxesrepparttar 114727 endocrine system in ways that ultimately result in lowered defense against infection and an impaired capacity for healing. Stress also depletesrepparttar 114728 body of nutrients. Addressing chronic stress is a very important element of bringingrepparttar 114729 immune system into balance.

    Cori Young is an author and herbalist who publishes a line of health & wellness charts which can be seen at

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